Breaking out of his shell (Haiykuu fanic)

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Haiykuu is one of my favorites as of now and I just HAD to write about my sweet bby Kenma 🥺🥺🥺
Summery: Kenma is really quiet and his team mates have a hard time helping him break out of his shell. Luckily Kuroo knows the setters little weakness. (Gets a tiny bit emotional at the end lol so prepare yourselves)

  "Lev please try harder or else Hinata will be able to beat you more easily!"
Kuroo scolded his teammate. "I'm doing my best Kuroo but I keep tripping up at the end so I just miss!" Lev counteracted.
  "Kenma what do you think?" Kuroo asked the quiet setter.
   Kenma just shrugged in reply, too engrossed in his video game to pay attention to what was happening.
  "Kenma you really need to speak out more," Kuroo complained.
   "Kuroos right yknow, you really need to learn to break out of that little shell of yours" Yaku piped in.
   Kenma went red with the embarrassment of having the attention put on him "I-I..."
  Suddenly the poor guy ran out of the gym, too overwhelmed by the pressure. Yaku just sighed
  "What are we gonna do with him."
"Well talking sense into him obviously won't do any good" Lev added.
  Kuroo smirked, a sudden wave of playfulness washed over him. "You have an idea don't you" Lev grinned.
  "How could you tell?" Kuroo asked
  "Eh, could see it in your eyes. Your planning something." Lev responded.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The setter jolted slightly in surprise as the team captain called for him.
  "What is it Kuroo?" Kenma asked monotonously. "I'm gonna break you out of taht shell of yours Kenma just you wait!"
  Slightly intrigued by this, he asked "how?"
Kuroo gave Kenma the biggest most mischievous grin ever and Kenma knew.
   He knew his friend enough to know what that grin meant, and with that being said he made an absolute run for it.
  He ran into the locker rooms and hid underneath the locker room bench farthest from the entrances view point.
   He hoped that even if he couldn't run from Kuroo, that he could at least stall for time to try and avoid the inevitable.
  "Keeeennnnmmmaaaaaa wheeree aaarrre yoouuu" Kuroo taunted. He hoped he could force Kenma into an early surrender. Just then he heard a small wince in reaction coming from the benches.
  Kenma and Kuroo made an eye contact with one another that seemed to last a life time as Kuroo knelt down to face him.
   Out of nowhere Kuroo grabbed his ankles and dragged him out from underneath the bench. He perched himself on the setters waist and pinned his arms above his head.
  "P-please Kuroo don't" Kenma pleaded nervously. "Not until you agree to try and be a little more outgoing!" Kuroo demanded.
"B-but..." Kenma began but Kuroo cut off his sorry ass by going for his sides. Kenma scrunched his face in attempt to hold his laugh.
  "Oh your not getting off that easy! I know your weakest points after all" Kuroo smirked, went under his shirt, and gently dug his fingers into the soft flesh of his stomach.
  Kenma, for the first time ever, let out a belly laugh while trying to toss and turn away from Kuroos dangerous fingers.
"N-NOHOHOHO MOHOHOHORRRE PLEHEAHAHASE" Kenma screamed out with laughter.
   Kuroo himself was surprised by the reaction. He had never seen or heard kenma laugh so hard or loud before and it filled him with unbelievable warmth.
   He finally stopped to let poor Kenma breathe. He expected Kenma to run away from him or tell him not to do that again, but instead Kenma fell into his arms started to cry.
   "I-I'm sorry Kuroo!" He sobbed into his team captains chest "I wish I could be more outgoing but it's really hard for me. I'm so sorry"
   "No I'm sorry Kenma..." Kuroo said
Kenma wiped his eyes, "W-why are you sorry?"
  Kuroo continued, "I'm being unfair, I can't force your to be something you aren't, I'm sorry and I'll try and be more patient with you."
  Kenma gave a tiny smile, "it's ok, I know you mean well."
   They both head back to the gym. The team was probably wondering where they went.

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