Cheer up Neeks :3 (solangelo fanfic)

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Hey guys!!!! A wonderful fellow marshmallow, @scarlit_afternoons (gosh I hope I says that right 😩) suggested a solangelo (Nico di Angelo and Will solace)fic. First of all... SOLANGELO IS LITERALLY MY LIFE OMGGG!!!!! Haha sorry got a bit intense there... but seriously it's one of my favorite ships in the whole series!!!! Sooo... I geuss on with the show :)

Will was observing Nico all day. What could he say... he cares about his boyfriend! But also. While keeping a watchful eye on him (since Nico is pretty much unpredictable AF) he noticed Nico was a bit... "downer" than usual. Which actually says something because he's always down in the dumps. He decided that he needed way to cheer him up....Some how.
"Hey Neeks!" Will exclaimed enthusiastically as he walked into the Hades cabin, and plopped down onto the bed next to Nico.
"Will I told you a million times not to call me that" Nico grumped.
"Sorry Nico. I wanted to see you cause you seemed a bit sad. Is there anything bothering you?"
"No will I'm fine just go away!"
"No, your not!" He insisted, rolling his eyes. Nico was being just as stubborn as ever.
"Cmon Nico you don't have to be upset. It's a great day out!"
"No. Please leave me alone"
Will didn't know whether to be hurt or angry or even sad for Nico. But whatever he did. He just wasn't leaving him to deal with his sadness alone. But nevertheless, respected His wishes and left to his own cabin. He sat there on his bed, thinking about how sad his boyfriend was being. But how could Will cheer him up? He sat there in silence as he pondered a good idea to cheer up his sad lil roll (omg is that just the cheesiest thing or what?!). Suddenly an idea came to mind. But would it work? No, it had to. Even Nico— yes, it was the perfect plan.

"Hey Nico!" Will grinned, marching into Nicos gloom of a cabin and sat right next to him on Nicos bed. "What do you want Will, I told you to leave me alone" Nico mumbled gloomily. No way Will was gonna leave this time.
"Now that's no way to be. I just want to see you smile of course" Will grinned, Poking him in the ribs, causing Nico to jump.
"W-wait Will what are you—"
Suddenly, Will jumped up on top of Nico, who was so taken by surprise that he couldn't fight back in time.
"Solace get off of me!!!" Nico exclaimed.
"Not until you've cheered up" Will smirked mischievously.
And with that will scribbled all over Nicos belly.
"Ah-" Nico immediately bit his lip to keep from laughing, as he tried to push at Wills arms. But much to his dismay, Will was twice as much stronger then Nico ever was. He flailed his arms around helplessly, trying desperately not to laugh.
Seeing this, Will decided to go for the kill and went straight for his ribs. Nico then let out a mouth clamped, scream, and thrashed around more desperately, and tried to pull his hands away. Seeing this, Will said "Now we can't have that can we?" And he went at Nicos armpits. Almost immediately, Nico shot his arms tight to his side to protect his hollows. Still trying not to laugh. Will then took Nicos arms and forced them above his head. "W-Will don't you dare!" Nico exclaimed, trying to sound angry but it was hard to be threatening in this situation. Will went at Nicos Pits without hesitation. "NO-" Nico clamped down his mouth as to try not to laugh. No, he couldn't laugh. He wasn't gonna give Will the satisfaction. If he could just hold out a little bit longer...
"NAHAHOHOHO WIHILL QUIHIHIT IHIT" He shouted, thrashing around harder. Clearly not able to hold it in anymore. "Ah see Neeks! How good does it feel to finally have a true laugh for once"
"You know you aren't so threatening when you get like this" Will grinned.
"Oh? You should be punished for speaking such words!" He exclaimed in mock sternness. Then he went for his sides. Nico arched his back and practically screamed with laughter. "WIHIHLL PLEHEHEAHAHASE..." he didn't say more because right then he was reduced to hysterics.
Will finally stopped to let Nico breathe. "Neeks you ok?" Will asked in mild concern. But will wa sto tired and out of it to retort. "No... more... please" he finally breathed out. "Nico I'm sorry I didn't mean to go to far" Will said in concern. "It's... fine" he replied back. He wouldn't admit it, but the torcher he was put through actually did turn that frown of his upside down. How in the world did he get so lucky to have such an amazing human being for a boyfriend?

Hey guys (again loll). So I don't normally do this but I want to se if I would make a difference or something... please be sure to follow me so that you can know when I update and stuff like that :) (thanks!)

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