The Kissing bet (The kiss bet fic)

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So on WEBTOON I found this super killer read called the kissing bet. The art style is amazing. I 10/10 recommend it to ya. I wanted so badly for some sort of tickle "situation" between the two characters Sara-Lin and Patrick. Hope you enjoy. Also I know, I know I should be doing y'all request but I just had to write this lol... ok NOW enjoy 😅
Background: Sara-Lin and Patrick where chilling in Sara's Apartment room. Patrick as usual was fooling around, and Sara was annoyed by him.

"Ooooo Sara-Lin and Joe sittin in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G." Patrick sang. "Shut up already" she said, blushing while elbowing his arm. Patrick just grinned. He loved to annoy her and poke fun at his immediate best friend. Sara-Lin on the other hand hated Patrick for being so god dam annoying!!!
"Aw is someone embawist"
Sara-Lin just said "hmph" and crossed her arms in attempted annoyance. But really she was trying not to laugh or even crack a smile since as annoying as Patrick is... he was pretty funny.
"Cmon Sara I know you wanna laugh"
"No I don't" she huffed
"Don't worry we can fix that" (omg insert sexual emoji herrree XD)
"What are you-"
Just then Patrick jumped onto Sara-Lin. throwing all his weight on top of her. "PATRICK YOU DUMBASS GET OFF OF ME!!!" She yelled at him. He was straddling her waist so she couldn't escape.
"Ugh Sara you gotta learn your lighten up"
And with that he skittered his fingers on her stomach. "Patrihick stohop"
But he ignored and went for her sides where her giggles turned into laughter. "Nooo Pahahatrihihck" she begged. She hated herself for giving in so easily but alas this was one weakness she just couldn't resist. But soon enough she found strength and pushed him off of her.
"Aw your no fun"
"Oh you want fun? I'll show you fun" she pounced onto him with all her might, straddling and pinning him to the ground. Holding his arms above his head with one hand. "W-wait Sara-"
"What? Are you really that ticklish" she teased
"Psh no" he said, going slightly red. "Well then this shouldn't bother you one bit". He knew he should've known she'd want revenge if he tickled her. But what's worse... he was just as ticklish. In fact he was hyper ticklish. Oh boy was he he in trouble. She went straight for his stomach. "Ah-" he let out a squeal sound from his throat.
"Oh cmon don't hold out on me!!! I know your ticklish"
She went to his sides and armpits and that sent him.
"Ahahahaha Sarahaha nohoho"
"Well this is what you get for tickling me"
"Ihit wahas a johohoke!!!"
Sarah-Lin decided to turn things around and go at his foot. But Patrick wouldn't allow as he grabbed her shirt at the last second. "Sara-Lin no don't you even dare"
"Oh? Does someone have super ticklish feet?"
"Uhhh-" he was cut off when Sara took the chance while he was distracted to go at his feet. She sat on his knees (which was also a weak spot for him). "Sarah don't my feet are ticklish ok I'll admit it just don't tickle them"
"Oh I don't know it seems tempting..." she said slowly, taping her fingers on his socked foot.
"Sahahara please" he pleaded
"This is revenge. There's no mercy in revenge"
Right away she scribbled at his foot. "NOHOHO SAHAHARA!!!" He screamed out in laughter. He couldn't handle it. "Only if you promise to never tickle me again"
With that Sara-Lin stoped to let him breath. Patrick was super tired out from the torcher.
"Wow Patrick I never knew you were so ticklish hehe"
"Shut up" he muttered with great annoyance. But Sara-Lin just grinned. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Patrick. She hoped that nothing would happen between them so they can stay friends for ever...

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