Part 5

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Starting here, things will start to get heavier with Y/N's backstory unfolding. There are mentions of abuse and drug abuse in this chapter. 

I hope everyone is staying safe out there! 


The next morning I woke up early to video chat with my sister. We have one whenever possible, she has become my best friend since I left my home town. My leaving has been both a blessing and a curse.

I sat down at the outdoor table by the water with my morning coffee and a fruit bowl. It was a little windy and as a result the water was kissing the shoreline with waves. I always had a habit of getting lost in the sight of water. It's calming affect was washing over me in enormous doses. Just as I started to fully relax, my phone started playing Mama, alerting me to my sisters call.

"Good Morning Y/N! Why are you outside?" She said, then sipped her wine.

I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about my whereabouts or why I was there, due to the non-disclosure agreement I signed, "I'm on a company retreat with some people, and they're still asleep. It's only 7 am here."

I laughed, and out of nowhere a child sized eyeball covered my sisters screen, "Hello Mikey." I said, and he giggled.

"Hi auntie! Did you sleep ok? Mommy says you don't sleep well." He says with a sad pout.

"Oh baby, it's OK, I promise I slept very well. I have a new friend, and they help me a lot." I said to reassure him.

My sister sighed, "New friend, huh? Is his name Melatonin by any chance?"

My nephew looked at my sister, "Do you know him, mommy?"

"No, your mother hasn't ever needed a friend like mine. A heard of elephants couldn't wake her up. Mommy does have a friend named Merlot though." I smirked.

"Alright, that's enough of that," My sister said, "time for bed Michael."

"Awe, but Auntie just got on," he whined and begged to stay up longer.

An idea popped into my head, "How about I read you a story or sing you our song?"

His tears dried up instantly, as they always do, "Both!" 

He jumped off my sisters lap and ran for his bed. My sister grabbed a book and sat in her chair next to his bed. Then put me on her lap, camera facing away from her. Then put the book in front of the camera so I could read it. She turned the page every time I finished the words. When the book had ended, we both assumed he was asleep, and my sister tried to make her escape.

"Wait," Mikey said weakly, my sister stopped and turned around towards him, "Auntie was supposed to sing our song too."

I stifled my laugh, "Almost got away. Ok, lay back down."

The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Our happiness was meant to be
Cuz you love me, and I love you

You're my penicillin, saving me, saving me

My angel, my worldI'm your Calico cat, here to see youLove me now, touch me now

Just let me love you

Just let me love you

The little bugger is out cold every time. Snoring softly as, I hope, he dreams of beautiful things. The camera moved away from Mikey and my sisters face comes into view. She shut the door behind her as she snuck out.

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