Part 11

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Please note I am NOT an english teacher, so if any of this is wrong. Im sorry, but just roll with it. 😅


Jin and I ate breakfast, and then slowly made our way down to the boat. Jin got the fishing gear while I got the life jackets. I put mine on but it was a little loose for some reason. Oh well, I can swim anyway. Jin just puts his underneath his seat. I steadily got into the boat, with a hand from Jin. I sat facing him and he drove us out.

We didn't go very far, I assumed they weren't allowed to go further down the lake in case something happened. A single drone was flying around us. I wonder if it'll scare away the fish? I watched Jin release his line and chuck it in.

"Ok, now we can begin." I say and he smiles nervously, and nods his head once.

"Ok, so I thought we could start with consonants, and build from there." I said unwrapping my own rod.

"Are those, A, E, I, O, U?" He asks.

"Those are vowels, not consonants. Keep that enthusiasm though. I am talking about sounds like, iː, repeat after me? Sit in a seat."
(A/N iː sounds like ee. Seat is the example here.)

He looks at me nervously, and says, "Seet in a sheat."

I correct him and we go over each word in depth, and he says it perfectly after a couple tries. We then try different constants and smooth out those. After an hour he can say every sentence I've given him correctly. However, not a single fish was caught between us.

"Do you have any words that you are having difficulty with?" I say casting my line out again.

He thinks for a minute, "Yes, ehm, I have...problems, pronouncing bigger words. They are weird and-" he lifts his hand and simulates waves.

"Do you mean their syllable emphasizes? How only a small part of the word has greater tones to it?" He nods his head.

"Ok, that is called word stress. So it mostly depends on the word and the length, unfortunately there is no precise ruling for it. For example, pronunciation, has a stress on the A, and interference, has a stress on the E after the F. How about this, I will give you some big words and you repeat them until you're comfortable."

We do that for at least another 20 minutes. Jin works hard during that time, I'm very proud of his progress. Off in the distance we hear someone shouting, we turn to see Namjoon on one of the docks waving his arms.

"Time for lunch!" he yells.

"Time for lunch," Jin repeats to me, and I praise his English. He then stands up in the boat and yells back to Namjoon, waving his own hands, "Namjoon-ah! MY ENGLISH WILL BE BETTER THAN YOURS!"

I see Namjoon laugh and walk away. We laugh too and one of the cameras come in close to Jin, he starts yelling at it too, "YA ARMY!! My English is so good, you know!"

He then blows a kiss to the camera, the drone falters in the air a little, like a plane hitting an air pocket, but then catches itself again. Jin does his trademark windshield wiper laugh, "Even the camera can not handle my amazing English."

I laugh a bit, and he turns around, still standing on the bench. I have no time to react when the drone suddenly makes a beeline for Jin. It hits his shoulder, and he's knocked off his balance. I try to grab him before he falls in the water. Instinctively, he grabs me and we both fall in. When I come back up, the loose life jacket is rising up my neck trying to strangle me. So I do my best to get it off.

It was then that I realised, I couldn't see Jin, "Jin-oppa? Oppa! JIN!"

Fear takes over, and I circle the boat thinking he may have came up on the other side. Nothing. No hesitation, I dove under the water, and I see Jin sinking down, clearly unconscious.

I dove down as fast as I could, and grabbed him. Lifting his heavy body to the surface. As soon as I broke the surface I started swimming as quick as I could to the waters edge.

Once I got where I could touch, I looked towards the house, no one was in eye sight. Fuck!

"NAMJOON!!!" I scream as loud as I can, over and over until I get Jin's heavy frame out of the water.

I immediately go into first aid mode. Get him breathing first then get help next. I start CPR, 1. 2. 3. Then tilt his head back and press my lips over his and blow. Then repeat until one of two things happen. He spits the water out or he...

Jungkook runs from the beach house full tilt towards us, and I holler at him to get help. He turns back around and heads towards the main house.

1. 2. 3. Blow, "God damn it, Jin! Breathe you asshole! I swear to god, if you die on me, i'll kill you in heaven!"

I can feel the tears start to flow down my cheeks, and my muscles are starting to burn, but i push through. I have to keep going. I won't lose you. I won't lose your stupid dad jokes that make me laugh every fucking time. I won't lose your windshield wiper laugh. I won't... I won't...

1. 2. 3. I blow into Jin's mouth one more time, and get a face full of water coming out of his lungs. Thank fuck. He starts coughing up more water. I get him turned over onto his hands and knees as he harshly tries to breathe in air.

I pat his back like you would a newborn after a feeding. I turn my head away from Jin when hear shouts and running coming toward us. Every member and a couple of others, wearing all black, and carrying duffle bags, come running up. Jin lays back down on his back exhausted, then he grabs my hand, and squeezes it gently.

"Thank you." He says and then lets his eye lids fall.

"Don't you dare fall asleep right now, Jin!" I shout at him grabbing and shaking his shoulder.

It was that moment that, what I now know are the medics, slide in around Jin. I quickly get up, and allow them more room. I stepped back a few feet, overwhelmed by everything that happened.

"What the fuck happened!?" Yoongi yells at me.

"The d-drone hit h-him...w-we fell in..." I say between sobs, I fall to the ground and pull my knees up to my chest hugging them. I watch as they check Jin over. Why is it taking so long? Please be ok.

Jungkook and Jimin come over and sit on either side of me, one rubs my back while another caresses my hand. I'm not entirely sure who's where, and who's hand is which. Why do I feel like I could run a marathon but at the same time pass out on the spot? Human bodies are stupid.

"He'll be ok, but were taking him to the hospital just in case. We'll run some more tests on him there. He should be back tonight though." One of the medics tells us.

I lean into whoever was on my right and let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god."

They put Jin on a stretcher, and carry him towards the van they keep for this specific reason. Yoongi looks at me, I knew then he was angry with me. I don't blame him one bit. This is the second time Jin has gotten hurt because of me. Yoongi opens his mouth to say something, but Taehyung puts his hand on his shoulder, and Yoongi just walks away.

I didn't realize I was shaking until Hoseok put his wind breaker over me like a blanket. Namjoon bent down in front of me, and looked me over, "Y/N, are you hurt anywhere?"

I just shook my head, and he hummed in response, "Are you ok, though?"

No. "I'll be fine once Jin is back." I say, then sit up and Hoseok moves his windbreaker around me so I can put it on. I take a moment to collect myself and to take in his cologne. Smells like citrus. Its calming.

I get up and right away my legs are wobbly and I stumble a little. 2 pairs of hands stop me from falling. Hoseok and Namjoon. This must be how Ariel felt when she got legs. Namjoon put his arm around my waist to steady me, and he put my arm around his neck for support. Then we walked back to the house. The boat long forgotten.


My Jin biased editor sent me this.

My Jin biased editor sent me this

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And I sent her this 🤣💜

And I sent her this 🤣💜

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