Part 12

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Sorry for the late update, heat wave got me thinking yesterday was thursday. Send help, and air conditioning units. Preferably dropped off by beautiful men. 🤣


Hey, Y/N!” Taehyung ran up towards me, “Hobi-hyung and I are going out for a drive, come with us.”

I've been waiting, kind of depressively, for Jin’s return from the hospital. We still don't know what happened with the drone, and there has been no update on Jin for the last 2 hours. So I’ve been keeping myself busy sitting at the outdoor table, by the upper house. The guys have also been keeping themselves busy, but I can tell they're still worried. Yoongi hasn't left his RV, and the only one brave enough to go in has been Hoseok. Every time he comes out he just shakes his head, looking sad. I understand, Jin is his only hyung. With that brings a special relationship, and he almost lost that because of me.

“If it's all right, I’m just going to stay here. I don't want to cause anymore trouble.” I say with my head low, I’m so drained, and I want to be here when there is news.

He looked from me, back to Hoseok who was standing beside the car, and just shook his head. Hoseok gave a look that I couldn't really pin point and looked towards the RV. Then back to me, and started walking towards us. Are they trying to get me away from Yoongi?

Hoseok walked the short distance as I connected the dots. My guess is he is blaming me. I don't blame him for thinking that. I blame me. Jin has almost died twice now because of me. I’m bad luck for him, and Yoongi knows it.

I sigh, as Hoseok makes his way to us, and takes a knee in front of me, “Y/N-ah, Jin-hyung will be ok. He is...strong, yeah?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, but-”

So come with us. We will have fun!” He says with a damn gorgeous smile. Can't resist that.

I sigh in defeat, and look at Taehyung, he nods and smiles at me as well. Hoseok stands up and offers his hand to me. I take it and he hauls me up off the bench. We start walking hand in hand towards the car, and Taehyung draped his arm over me. I try my best to not turn into a flustered mess, but I can't hide how red I get.

I tell them to sit in the front so I can calm my heart and return to a normal skin tone. Watching them interact on the way was enlightening. I always saw Taehyung as a puppy around Hoseok. Seeing it in person though, its fucking adorable. They were chatting back and forth, and every now and then Taehyung would get flirty. Hoseok would laugh him off, and try to change the subject. So I decided to be a brat and play a little bit.

Taehyung-ah, what’s your favourite song that Hobi-oppa sings?” I ask, and smirk a bit when Taehyung smiles big.Oh sweet Namjesus.

I hold in my adoration as he starts a rant about his Hobi-hyung. Hoseok tries a couple times to change the topic but I bring it back onto him and join Taehyung's one sided discussion. Eventually we get onto the topic of embarrassing stories and that takes us all the way to our first stop, much to Hoseok's relief.

We pulled up to a food truck, that for some reason is in the middle of no where. We all get out.

Taehyung turns to me and tells me my shoe is untied, but its not, “Hobi-hyung, go ahead, we'll catch up.

He then goes ahead, and bends down to undo my shoe lace, “Thank you Y/N, he never lets anyone praise him for too long.

Ah, so he picked up what I was doing.

Why is that, do you think?” I asked. blushing a bit when Tae's fingers touch my ankle. He finished doing up the laces and stood up.

He doesn't believe that he's as amazing as we tell him, and it makes him uncomfortable. Both he and Jimin-hyung are perfectionists in that way,” he then grabs my hand and leads me towards the food truck, effectively ending our conversation.

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