Part 24

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Shell pulled me into a tight hug, "I knew something was up the minute I saw that you were here in North Korea."

I looked at her in shock, and then back to the guys who were one part confused, one part shocked, and one part scared out of their minds to be in North Korea. How the fuck did he get us into North Korea!? He would have to have an in with Kim Jong Un himself, otherwise we would have been killed instantly, and how the hell did Shell get here with her own army?

"We'll talk later, for now," She pulls to her side and shoots a man coming up behind Namjoon. We all look at her, impressed with her confidence. She smirks at Namjoon, then winks, "You're welcome cutie."

Namjoon goes beat red, and a protective force flows over me, "Be careful Shell! These 7 men cannot die, and they are ALL off limits."

She rolls her eyes, and turns her hand into a little cat paw, "Meow, you've gotten feisty. Fine, fine, keep them for yourself, but I want first dibs on the one up in the tree should you change your mind."

I follow her gaze, and see Taehyung perched up in the tree, shooting with his sniper rifle. He stopped only to reload, and yells down at us, "Yoongi-Hyung and I can't take them all out while all of you just stand there!"

Right. I lift my gun and look back at the guys who all nod at me, then disperse to take out the first men they see. I turn back to Shell and nod to her, she smiles at me, "We have a lot of work to do. Kitten claws out."

We both turn away from each other and start shooting. I numb myself to all the lives I am taking and focus on the task of saving us all. Forgoing my assault rifle because of how close everyone, I shoot as men rush towards me, as if I won't pull the trigger. Just as I'm down to the last guy, my gun jams, and I'm forced to throw it at him to stun him. Before he gets a chance to regain his awareness, a dagger plants itself firmly into his jugular. I waste no time, as the man is still alive, I grab the dagger and pull it out. Only to send it into his heart.

I look up to see Hoseok fighting a guy, he smirks at me, "Keep it!"

I take the knife out of the guy's chest and look around, my eyes landing on Jungkook fighting desperately. His ankle is still giving him a lot of pain. I run over to him just as the guy had thrown him to the ground. I jumped on the guys back and slit his throat. We toppled down on top of Jungkook. He yells out in pain as we crush his injured ankle. I try to roll the guy off him, but I was attacked.

A man pulled my hair back so that I was against him. He wrapped his giant hand around my neck and started to squeeze. I kicked and jabbed, but I was too little to be anything more than a fly to this Dwayne Johnson guy. Jungkook gets the other guy off himself and grabs my knife from the ground. Then throws it hard, it passes by me slightly cutting the top of my ear. The man lets go instantly and topples to the ground behind me. I grab my ear and feel the blood.

Jungkook runs up to me, full of concern, "I'm so sorry, I'm not as good as Hobi-Hyung! Please forgive me."

I pull him into a tight hug, "Its fine, just a scratch. Thank you, for keeping the monster away."

"If you two are quite done, we have men left!" I hear Yoongi shouting from my right.

A man was about to rush him, but before I could call out my warning, a bullet went straight through his head. We all looked to Taehyung who didn't bat an eyelash while gunning down men left right and center. Yoongi chuckles, "All that call of duty and fortnight is paying off with that one."

We don't waste time before springing back into the action. As if we had a choice. Men kept rushing us and it was too late before we realized that they were slowly corralling the 7 of us, "Shit!"

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