Part 19

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I almost didn't get this chapter finished today, sorry if it sounds rushed. I have started a new job that I'm super excited about!

Anyone book their flight to LA yet? 


"Are you alright, Y/N-ah?" Hoseok asks me, "Are you mad?"

Am I mad? Am I mad!? Wait...No not really. "More surprised, shocked, confused really? I'm gonna need to sit for this explanation once security gets here."

On que, Taehyung comes running back, alone. He's a sobbing, panicking mess, "They...they..."

Namjoon walks up to him and puts his hands on Taehyung's shoulders, "Slow down, Tae. What happened? Where is security?"

The girl on the ground starts cackling, and Yoongi and I share a look, then he puts the gun to her forehead, "What's so funny, crazy bitch?"

"Hyung...they're dead." Taehyung finally speaks out through his tears.

The girl laughs louder, and I lose my mind for a second. Long enough to round house kick her in the head. Knocking her out instantly, "Shut the fuck up already!"

"Jesus, Y/N." Yoongi says lowering the gun.

"She pissed me off." I spat.

Gradually, the sound of hands clapping started, off in the distance. We all looked toward the sound, holding our breath for what's to come next. It was coming from behind the house, and as it got louder my adrenaline picked up more. I moved so I was in front of everyone, ready to protect Jungkook and Jimin. The clapping person finally turned the corner and my heart stopped beating altogether.

"John." I say with a tongue so sharp, a piece of diabase would get sliced.

He's standing there looking like a whole new sober person. His face has filled back in, his hair styled to perfection. A grey suit tailored to fit perfectly. He resembles the same man I met at my college birthday party, but I know better than to be fooled by this. I take a mental note of BTSs placement behind me, hoping they don't move. 

"Hmmm. All this time apart has made you..." He paused thinking.

"Stronger?" I say through gritted teeth. He clicks his tongue.

"Disobedient." He says, correcting me. Mother fucker, I will end you, "Don't worry though. I will have that fixed in no time."

"Like fuck you will!" I yelled. I charged him, and threw a punch at him. He dodged it and grabbed my wrist pulling me forward past him. The momentum throws me to the ground, but  I get back up quickly and get into my stance. His gaze is fixated on me, but he also looks amused.

I charge him one more time, and attempt a punch, this time he just blocks my attack. I swing with the other hand, he blocks again. Kick, block. Punch block. He's obviously learned some new tricks. Namjoon and Hoseok move forward, but I put my hand up to stop them. Then train my eyes back to John. 

I punch him and he grabs my wrist, I do the same with the other and he grabs it again. I use all the strength I have In me to pull him forward and head-butt him. He releases me and I move away from him, taking my place once again in front of the members, ignoring the pain in my forehead.

John stumbles for a bit, while holding his forehead. He stops moaning and groaning in pain, and starts laughing again, like the maniac I remember. He then stands up straight, and removes his hand to reveal a bloody forehead. A successful head-butt, if I do say so myself.

"Its time to come home, Kitten. I have so much to show and tell. Actually, just show." He licks his lips and takes a step closer to me, I instinctually step back.

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