Chapter 3: Interrogation

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Guess who's back. Back again. Y/N's back. With one brain cell.

Your POV

We pull up to a decently large building. It ominously stood over us, it's back blocking out the sun. I gulped when I saw it.

One of the men opened the door and pulled me out. He dragged me to the door that had the words "The Greater Good" on them. The doors slid open, and I was pulled in. It was well lit, but still felt darker than the outside. We were in what appeared to be a lobby with a front desk. A small woman at the desk smiled and called with a squeaky voice.

"Welcome back, Mr. Updyke. You weren't gone long!"

"Thank you," he muttered.

I look up to see him speaking to the woman with a calm expression. That was the last thing I saw before I was blindfolded.

"Sorry, Ma'am," a voice behind me said quietly. He sounded genuinely sorry. "But we can't have you knowing your way around. Security reasons."

"What are you apologising for?" His partner demanded.

"It ain't right to treat a lady like this. No matter who it is."

I could practically hear the eyeroll from the other man, "It's not our job to decide how to treat somebody. It's protocol and you know it. Don't you start going soft. She isn't even that pretty."

Ouch, I internally cried.

The man hmphed, "Don't worry, Ma'am. I'm just gonna lead you to the interrogation room where one of our specialists will speak to you."

I nod, although I probably didn't have a choice.

I am led down a hall and into an elevator. I already get anxious in elevators because of the way they move, so being blindfolded in there made me almost want to throw up. I was led back out the elevator and was led down another hall and into a room. My handcuffs and blindfolds were removed and I was told to sit.

I sat in the seat facing the door, which to be honest made me feel a bit better. The room was simple and the table and chairs were the type you would find in a kid's birthday party, or maybe Sunday school if you came from a small town. There was a one way window, where I knew someone was watching me. I looked in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. The room was cold and unsettling. I've always had a strong aversion to the cold. This time was no different. One light in the corner of the room was about to go out. I counted the amount of times it flickered before someone walked in.







The door suddenly opened. Middle aged, somewhat attractive, with slight stubble and thick, light brown hair wearing a dull blue suit walked in.

"Y/N L/N?" he asked as he sat in the seat across from me.

I nod.

"It says here," he flips up one of his papers and looks at the one beneath it. "That you hacked into the agency database at 11:03, last night. Is this true?"

I nod again.

"Can you explain why?"

"It's competition. We find websites and whatnot that are hard to get into and see who can get in."


"The community of hackers I belong to. Some of us like to think we are some sort of heroes. Hacking in to prove that the system can be improved. Some actually do help improve the system they hack into, but most of us just do it because it's fun."

"And you?"

"I don't quite know where I stand. I don't really try to cause damage when I get in, but I don't try to help either."

"You do realise you can be put in jail for this kind of stuff?"

"Yeah, but the risk is kinda fun... yknow?"

"Yeah... lawbreaking. Real fun," he stood and walked out the room, leaving me alone again.

Third Person POV

Man 1: So what do you think?

Man 2: I believe her.

Man 1: I see. What do we do with her?

(Man 2 scratches his head, deep in thought.)

Man 2: Well, we could gave her work her. She did say some of these hackers of hers help fix the system. Why not make her one of them?

Man 1: sotto voce Shouldn't we talk to the boss?

Man 2: Let's offer her the job and then have her talk to him.

Man 1: But... why? That's not how things work.

Man 2: Yeah... I'm getting hate to love vibes over here.

Man 1: Bruh.

Sorry the chapter was so long. Let me know if you like the longer chapters or if I should try to keep them shorter from here on out. ^^

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