Chapter 6: Hello Mr. Bossy

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You guys got your Archie, so here is some Updyke. Not quite the sweet romance you crave, but we're getting there.

Your POV

I walk into the building, taking the paperwork out of my purse. The small woman at the desk noticed me standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she smiled, pushing up her red rimmed glasses. "Do you need something?"

"Just handing in this paperwork," I smile back.

"Ah," she spoke softly. Her voice reminded me of a librarian or maybe a doctor. "You're gonna need to hand that in to Mr. Updyke, m'kay? Do you know your way around?"

I politely shook my head no.

The woman smiled sweetly, "Alright, come with me, hun."

She slipped a piece of paper on the front desk with the words "Be Right Back xx" on it, then motioned for me to follow her.

She led me down a few halls on different floors, showing all the places I would most likely need to go.

"Here are the main offices," she said.

She then showed me the bathrooms on each floor, where my office was on the fifth floor (right below Updyke's office), and advised me not to go below the first floor.

"Things happen down there..." she whispered, "Horrible monsters. The T.G.G tries to keep us in the dark, for the most part, but we aren't stupid. You were in the website, you know. Don't tell me what you saw! I don't want to know! Those who got to curious weren't seen again... If I'm being honest, I think most of the building is below us... but please don't go snooping! I like you, and would prefer you to stay."

"Of course," I assure her, "I'll behave. Oh! I never asked you your name!"

"Stephanie," she said. "You better get a move on. Mr. Updyke is fickle in his emotions and doesn't like to kept waiting. And be polite as possible."

I cringe internally at the thought of having to be polite to a cloud, but I assure Stephanie I'll stay out of trouble.

I got into the elevator, wondering what could possibly be so terrible below the building? Could it have anything to do with Whitty?

The elevator reached the top floor with an uneasy sway.

"God, I hate elevators," I mutter out loud.

"You shouldn't take the Lord's name in vain, if there even is one," the British cloud spoke up.

"Oh! Sorry, Mr. Updyke. I didn't mean to say that out loud," I explain.

He looked up at me and we make eye contact. There was no spine chilling, like before. No terror. But just like before, I couldn't look away. Something about this man in white was so... fascinating. Entrancing.

"Well, now!" he spoke up curtly, "Aren't you going to sit? I don't have all day, y'know."

I snap out of my thoughts and sit down. I put the paperwork on his desk and wait a bit. He put down his pencil and picked up a pair of glasses. (Let's be honest, he would look hot with reading glasses. -Author)

He looked through my work ever so slowly. To avoid staring at him I look around the room. There was a book on his coffee table, and he had a chandelier above it. It was gold and sparkled with faux candlelight. When I got bored of the chandelier, I turned back around and looked at his desk. A picture of Whitty caught my eye.

Last seen at...

A white hand slammed on top of the paper.

"You ought to mind your own business, Ms. L/N," he said calmly. A sort of fire flickered in his eyes.

"Sorry, sir," I mutter. He handed me my papers.

"Everything checks out. You are dismissed. Welcome to The Greater Good."

"Thank you, sir," I take my papers, stand up, and head towards the elevator.

Updyke's POV

I see her leaving out the corner of my eye. For some reason, some strange force in the universe, I called out for her.

"Wait!" I call.

She turns around with a quizzical face.

"Yes, sir?" she asks.

Shit... why did I call out? I have no need for her right now, I think while frantically looking for an excuse.

I see the book on the table.

"Fetch me that book there, why don't you?" I gesture towards it.

She walks over, picks up the book, and walks to hand it to me. She takes a while, seeing as she is staring at the cover, not where she is going. Silly little girl. (In this case silly is being used as an insult, not an endearing term.)

"You read Sarah J. Maas?" she said as she looked at the cover.

I was surprised she knew the writer.

"Ah, yes," I nod. "Throne of Glass makes for an interesting read. Have you read it?"

She nods, "Yeah. I never got past Queen of Shadows, though."

"I have full series. You can come by anytime and borrow the books. If you want, of course."

She seemed taken aback. She handed me my book, and stepped away a bit.

"Thank you, sir," she said almost skeptically, "That's.... very kind of you."

I nod and dismiss her with a wave of my hand, "Go on now. We both have jobs to do."

She did an ever so slight curtsey, more of a nod really, and left. Only when the elevator door closed did I look back up from my work.

"Huh," I interject, "Fascinating.

HO BOY! Wasn't that fun? It was a short chapter, but eh. You got what you wanted, right? They start to bond over being a nerd! But legit though, if you have Queen of Shadows... could you be so kind as to send it to me? Thanks xx.

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