saving the cat (part 1)

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athy's POV:

"what about?"

lucas suddenly appeared. I unconsciously hid my bleeding hand I just hope lucas doesn't notice. "uhmmm.....nothing" i said trying not to stutter but it didn't work. 

'Dang it I'm too obvious' I mentally slapped myself. 

"so did you get the books" i tried to change to conversation while heeding my hand and not look like a total fool, I just hope he goes along with it and doesn't ask any unnecessary questions. "yeah" he showed me the books. "and what were talking about earlier?" he continued. 'DANG IT! it didn't work what am I gonna do now?' "uhm .....well.....uhmmmm..." for a second I thought I totally doomed when I heard water. "Lucas! is there a pond or something nearby?" I yelled his name. he was totally surprised and even backed away a little. ".....uh yeah there's a river nearby" he said scratching his neck. he pointed behind me " alright thank you" I smiled.' I can clean the blood and I don't think there is a scratch mark so I'll be fine. don't worry little buddy you are not gonna die today!'  

I turned around to go there, when lucas grabbed my arm. He looked straight into my eyes and said "is there something wrong?" his face was a bit too close. I can feel my face heating up. I smiled "nope none at all" i said trying not to stutter. it didn't look like he is believing me "I'm just gonna go and wash my hands because they have dirt all over them" i said smiling again. he let go of my hand and said ok. i felt totally bad but it's all for the sake of the luka. before I left I took a glance at lucas and oh my god I felt like my nose was gonna bleed. 

(oh and if you are wondering about luka he has been quiet and hiding behind athy because he is not stupid)

After athy found the small river:

I soaked my hands in the cold water. 'this place is so calming I'm glad I asked Lucas to bring those books.' after a little while of leaving my hands in the water I checked to see there is a scar or not. good thing there wasn't it's a little red tho. 'I wonder how everyone will react when I say I want to raise a cat. 'I took a second and then continued with my thoughts 'I know lily and Felix will be happy but.....I'm not sure about papa.......should maybe adopt the cute little thing in secret?' 


hi sorry for that this chapter so REALLY SHORT (like me T~T unfortunately) but i really tried to updated and this is.....something. I been having a really hard finding ideas for a while so I really hope that I upload a part 2 of this soon. 

I also changed the cover I thought it was time .

hope you guys are enjoying this story so far :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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