Surprise 1

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Lucas POV:

I couldn't sleep because of what happened yesterday. i saw athy a few times today but she avoided me, well i dont blame her for avoiding me i would do the same if i were her. i dont know what to do. should i apologize to her or something.


nobody POV:

"would do you dance with me" athy said. lucas looked at her in shock and confusion. he didnt what to say. after a few seconds athy looked at him and saw him shocked. she then knew that he was gonna say no. she didn't except him to say yes but still she couldn't help but start to cry. she ran away crying before he could answer her. actually he was gonna say yes but he needed some time to process what happened. after he did it was too late to answer.

-end of flashback-

he wanted to do something special to apologize to her. he was thinking all day on what to do. suddenly the picture of athy dress came to his mind ( i think that's how to say that, i don't know -_-) then it hit him.

"i got it" he said as teleported of somewhere to start working on her surprise.

athy POV:

yesterday i came back to my room crying. i locked the door so no one could come in and see me crying. i am so humiliated. i barely slept yesterday, when lily came in and saw my tired face she was so worried i had to lie and say i was reading and i didnt realise the time was late. well that wasn't a lie, i actually started reading then i couldn't stop crying.

i saw lucas a few this morning and i tried my best to avoid him. it was hard. i ran into him a lot and it was just this morning how am i supposed to avoid for a few weeks until he forgets about the party or i do.

right now i am sitting in my room drinking tea and eating cookies trying to focus in at my book. i put the book down and walked over to the balcony. i sighed and then Lucas appeared behind me. i jumped in surprise, i gonna fall off the balcony
" ahhh" i said trying to hold on for dear life.

nobody POV:

when Lucas appeared behind athy she jumped in surprise. of course behind her was her death, before she could fall and die lucas snapped his fingers and then him and athy appears in her bed. she took a few seconds to process what happened. " why did you jump backwards idiot" he said relived that she isnt hurt. while she was still dumbfound. then her face started to get red.
she quickly took the pillow behind her and buried her face in it. "wee thw own wwo swpwesiewd mw" she said while her face still in her pillow. Lucas tried to understand what she was saying but he still couldn't get it.

" what??"

  she removed her face and said

" I SAID your the one who surprised me"

then she realized her face was inches away form his. her face started to get a very dark shade of red. he smireked when he saw her face getting red. that only made her blush darker. ' OH MY GOSHHHH. how could someone be so HANDSOME' athy thought trying to avoid his gaze.
then he lifeted her bridal style and said " i have something to show you" he snapped his fingers and they teleported into the garden.
" what do you think"
Her eyes widened and she dumbfound by the beautiful sight.

Athy x LucasWhere stories live. Discover now