Surprise 2:

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 "I have something to show you" he snapped his fingers and they teleported into the garden.
" what do you think"
Her eyes widened and she dumbfound by the beautiful sight

she was so amazed by the beautiful sight she couldn't say a word. he put her down on a nearby tree stump and hesitantly asked "like it?" she still couldn't answer and her silence made Lucas think she was speechless because she hated it. 'agh I can't tell does she hate it or not??? of course she doesn't it beautiful.....No, no its not. It's just something stupid I put together who would think I'll be pretty she surely hate's it.  But I worked so hard on this she could at least  just pretend to like it. stop it Lucas don't think bad thoughts..........AGHHHHHHHHH'

While Lucas was having his mental argument athy was trying her best to get herself together. when she finally found the words that can almost describe it and she snapped Lucas out of his thoughts by grabbing his hands and yelling "IT'S AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!!" his eyes widened by that. "seriously" he moved his hands away form hers and acted like it's no big deal but truthfully inside he's jumping in happiness. "yeah the flowers look like they came out of a fairy tale and everything look's so nice and well arranged" she said full of happiness while her eyes are sparkling. 

Athanasia POV: 

'I can't believe Lucas he is so amazing.' I jumped around and ran like a is little kid who wouldn't? this place is amazingly beautiful and being here makes very happy and calm. "Lucas Lucas come did look" I yelled and pointed at the black and red eyed cat. "that cat is so pretty" I yelled again in joy. I walked over to the cat and it was a little wary of me."hehe don't worry I won't hurt you I just want to pet you"  I tried to make the cat understand that there is nothing to be scared of. I was close to touching it be it scratched me. Oh no I can't lucas see this or he might kill this cute little thing. " hey Lucas do you mind getting a few books form the library" he stopped moving closer and looked at me with a what face then scratched the back of his neck " alright sure" it looked like he was gonna use magic "WAIT........could go and the books I was reading last week please it's better if exercise more it's good for your health" I tried to make up something so he would leave. "sure" he said like it's nothing but his facial expression says that I'm being very weird. 

I sighed finally he left now "it's alright I won't do anything I promise" except give you a bath which I'm pretty sure you won't like. The cat came a little closer and looked at my hand which is now bleeding and started licking it. finally the cat is not so guarded anymore. I picked it up and started petting it " oh so your boy huh.... Now that I think of it you remind of Lucas so I'll call you.....LUKA. That's a great name don't you think" the cat just purred I guess that means he like's it. although it kept licking my hand and looking a little sad I guess Luka is feeling sad. " don't worry it's fine I won't get mad you but I'm not about I should explain this when lucas gets back"

"what about" 


'oh my god oh my god oh my god what am I gonna do.' I mentally panicked. ' stay strong athy your mission is to make sure luka stay's alive and lucas not destroy anything or get too mad at me.

/sorry about the this short chapter and for not updating earlier it's just I couldn't think of anything for this. I hope you like this and happy valentine's and lunar new years day. hope you enjoy./

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