The Last Bit Of Training

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"All right Braixen, use Flamethrower! And Pancham use Dark Pulse!" Serena said motioning her hand up in the air.

The 2 pokemon used the moves and Dark Pulse was thrown up high to hit the Flamethrower. There was a big spark when the 2 hit and formed an explosion that soon faded and made sparks that fell from the sky and formed falling sparkles of light that surrounded Serena.

"We did it!" Serena yelled with joy and Pancham and Braixen both cheered.

"That was amazing Serena!" Ash complimented.

"That was beautiful!" Said Clemont.

"That was so pretty!!!" Said Bonnie with admiration in her eyes.

"Thanks so much!" Serena blushed. "Well we're done with training for today- hey Ash aren't you supposed to be training for the Pokèmon league?"

"Yeah! We start training tomorrow morning! It's to late right now but, we will defiantly start training early tomorrow! Isn't that right Pikachu?" Ash turns his head to face his buddy Pikachu.

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu said with excitement.


The next morning Serena woke up early but not as early as Ash, he was already outside training eagerly. All his Pokemon was so excited and were training really hard for the Pokemon League.

"Ash never gives up, it's almost unbelievable. And he cares so much for his Pokemon... I'll have to train harder for the Pokemon Showcases too!" She brings out her Pokemon, Braixen and Pancham. "Alright two two, we're going to train just as hard as Ash!" Serena said to her Pokemon.


Hours passed and Serena worked on her Performances while Ash was training hard for the Pokemon League.

"Serena, it's time for breakfast." Ash said coming back from the building. Serena retrieved her Pokemon and went inside with Ash. "So Serena, are you planning something new?" Ash asked wondering. Serena remembered what happened last time with her last performace and how she won and she stood up confidently. "Yeah and this time we are going to win again and catch up to Shauna!" She smiled as she faced Ash and remembered what he said. "Yeah I'm not going to give up until the very end!"

Ash stared at her very happy with her confidence. "Me and Pikachu won't give up until the very end either!" Said Ash while Pikachu jumped on to his shoulder. Serena, Ash, and Bonnie ate the delicious food that Clemont made for them and ate it quickly, for Serena and Ash wanted to go finish up some training and Bonnie wanted to watch with Dedenne. "Thanks Clemont that was some of the best food I've ever had!" Clement stood proudly cleaning the dishes, "Thank you Ash!"

Bonnie walked out and looked at the battle field where Ash was training. It was destroyed from the moves that Ash's Pokemon used. "Whoa!" Said Bonnie now full of excitement.

Serena came up behind Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie want to watch Ash do his training over there?" Serena pointed to the bench near the battle field.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Yelled Bonnie now running over to the benches, Serena following. Ash came out with Pikachu on his shoulder and walked over to the battle field not noticing the two.

He brought out Hawlucha. "All right Hawlucha, you going to be training with Pikachu!" Hawlucha made a pose that made him look confident and ready to face Pikachu. Pikachu then jumped off of Ash's shoulder and went on the battle field, facing Hawlucha with static coming out of his cheeks. Serena's cheeks turned pink as she watched. She admired Ash's hard training more then anyone. Bonnie looked up at Serena noticing how she looked at the training. "Hey Serena?" Asked Bonnie.

Serena turned toward Bonnie. "Yes Bonnie?"

"You always look worried when Ash battles and when he trains you seem all happy- why do you act that way?"

"Uh." Serena didn't know what to say. "Well I'm just worried like you said, just worried about Ash." She was scared if that was the right answer.

"Don't be worried! Ash will win everytime! After all he defeated my big bro!" Serena looked back on that battle. It was truly an amazing battle, it was even when Goodra was on Ash's team. All of a sudden she felt a wave of some short. Some kind of feeling. It was like a heavy object covered her chest and pulled her down, but then there was also something keeping her up. She looked back on her memories with the gang and then looked back to where they are now. She felt depressed when she saw how fast it went. And now, Ash is going to battle the Pokemon League. After she thought back she also felt happy, happy that she made the choice to come with Ash and the others. She looked back at Ash. Hawlucha and Pikachu both still at a healthy state. She looked at Ash directly. His face full of confidence, just like his Pokemon. Would this be the last training he will get here in Kalos?


Thank you for Reading! Please tell me if I have made any mistakes or if I should add anything to the future chapters of this fanfic! Thank You, once again Wattpad users!

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