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Everything was white except for a patch of grass and a tree in the middle. He saw Serena crying in the blank, white meadow, she laid there laying against the tree, watering it with her tears.

Ash walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, but then the image faded. The image smeared and the crying disappeared with another image taking its place. "Serena?"

This time the image showed the same background. It was white with a small clip of the past this time. It seemed as if he was floating, but he could walk. So walked toward the far away image and walked into it. It was when they were at summer camp. He saw Serena fall into him with the handkerchief tied to her knee. He saw his younger self and younger Serena, holding hands. They walked over towards him. He stood there about to say something, but then they walked straight through him. He turned around to see them walk out of the forest.

The image smeared again with another clip went to the time where Serena gave back his handkerchief for the first time in years. She asked if he remembered her and he said he didn't recognize her. 'How stupid was I? How did I not remember her. It must of felt really bad when I told her that.'

The image smeared again and brought up another clip to the past where Serena taught Ash how to ride a Ryhorn. The Ryhorns kept licking her and she laughed. 'There's that laugh again' he thought smiling. Then another one came where it showed him where he almost fell off a Ryhorn. He eyed Serena starring him with a smile, the wind blowing her hair. The image again faded and showed the gym battles next to each other. This time when he stepped into one he felt the same feeling. It was like a worried feeling but much more stressful. 'Is this what Serena feels when I battle?' He reached to when he fought Korrina again and this one was one of the most stressful and worrisome gym battle. Serena stared at Ash in a worried look and was praying for him. He noticed this last time, but now he has the time to see it from right next to her in the audience.

Then, all of a sudden images of Serena blushing were thrown all around him, the times they talked to each other, the time where they went shopping for their Pokemon, and much more memories showed after each up surrounding the white room with color.

"These are Serena's memories and thoughts.", said someone from behind Ash. When Ash turned around he found the man in the dark cloak.

"Why are you here?" Ash asked as the memories disappeared one by one.

"I touched Serena's arm as well and my self conscious was sent here for the time being, so is yours. Right now we are both seeing Serena's feelings and memories."

"How is this happening?" Ash asked.

"It's the machine. I needed to she the kind of person she was and it turns out I was right... She's the one. I'll have to come back in 6 years." The man said mumbling to himself as he walked away, his own image smearing across the black landscape.

"What do you mean by 'The One'?!" Ash called out, but it was to late. The man in the black coat disappeared.

Everything went black. Ash opened his eyes and saw that Serena was hovering over him, her eyes showing tears. Ash sat up and looked around. They were flying on top of Talonflame with Clemont and Bonnie. "What happened?" Ash asked now looking behind him.

Serena wiped her tears and said, "I woke up from the trance and saw you unconscious. The the man in the cloak ran out and he must of pressed a button because everything was falling apart. That's when Clemont and Bonnie found us. Then Talonflame came out of its pokeball and we all got on him. He got us out before the whole building fell apart."

Ash looked around again and saw that everyone was covered in dust and saw that Serena was holding her arm as if it was hurt. "What happened Serena- I mean, to your arm?" Ash asked now worried.

"Oh, it's nothing." Serena responded, but still didn't let go of her arm.

Ash thoughts went back to the world he went into, Serena's thoughts. Did she really think of him that much? He stared at Serena who was looking out to the scenery with wind flowing in her hair. Ash felt something feeling again but he didn't know exactly what it was, all he knew was that it was a warm, comforting feeling. He didn't know why he felt this way when he stared at Serena, but he did.

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