chapter 2💞

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He walk back to his work place. The thought of having a good day was tear apart after the meeting of great JUNG HOSEOK. But he removed the thoughts and make a happy face in order to not make his father( the owner of the cafe) to worry about him. He walk to the cafe and greet everyone.

So this is the cafe cute right 🤭

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So this is the cafe cute right 🤭

Back to the story,

They do the usual talking then suddenly the owner of the cafe came running to them.  He asked one of them go to the ***** address to give a document. Everyone except namjoon was scared after hearing the address, why? like you all namjoob also don't know only the owner knows. Since no one wanted to go and only namjoon is clueless he decided to give that task to namjoon. Namjoon accepted it gladly without knowing the truth behind it. The owner itself don't want namjoon to go but it's very important to give the document. Namjoon happily changed and go to the place to do the task and make his father like owner to proud of him.

Time skip....

He goes to the place in bus, he entered in a very big house . He was awestruck by seeing the house. P

But when he entered through gate he got some chills and a vibe that he didn't like

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But when he entered through gate he got some chills and a vibe that he didn't like. He entered there was no se urity and all but a complete silence. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. Namjoon came to the door and press the calling bell. After sometime he hear someone coming. He became alertv. It opens and Namjoon fell like someone stab in his heart his heart break into pieces he wanted to run from there and cry but he can't he stuck there in front there was a pale man who is eating...............
Aaaaaa CRAB, YESS you hear me he was eating a DUCKING CRAB.... Hisbest friend.. He wanted to strangle the person into death, the person's face was not clear bcs Namjoon was busy looking and crying at the poor crabs fate. But when he look up he was met up by a gun, yes agun. Namjoons soul somewhat left his body. He even forget why he was here. Then the pale cat like man asked why the fuck are you here? By hearing that he came into sence and told, " iiiii cc-came  h- here t-to give t-this d-doc-cum-ment-t  to y- you". The gun person take the document and read, are you the son of that cafe owner? why he asked that Namjoon don't know but he said he is not that guy just nodded and turned to his house and slammed the door in front of his face. Namjoon was overwhelmed and get from that awkward place fastly when he get out and walking to the bus stop he see a car going when he look inside it he saw Hoseok he immediately hide behind a tree and look , he saw that he is entering to that scary house. Maybe he is a friend, Namjoon thought when he just tried to turn away he saw a seen that he would never forgot the great jung Hoseok and that cat guy is kissing in front of the door and him then he saw that they enterd the house and close the door. He can't forget the seen because this was first time seeing anyone kissing each other because he was so innocent.

He ran from there and go to his home to calm himself . Our poor joonies innocent eyes got to see a guy eating a crab and a hot, ahm ahm kissing seen. He promised that day that he will never meet both of them in his life. But little did he know it's only the starting of something that he will ever  thought of.

Small chapter sorry, I promise next chapter will be lengthy .if you all want 😁. If you got any idea or suggestion ucan  tell me. ☺.

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