chapter 23

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"plss taehyung"

''hahahah aww park joon dont give the credit to taehyung of the thing i had done'' said the man who was coming forward to joon from taehyungs back. Now joon noticed tae was also tied up in his hands and legs. The somewhat old man pushed tae to joon . joon catches him and made him sit on the bed.

" who are you why you kidnapped us , asked a furious namjoon.

aww joon i only kidnapped you but tae was not being a good boy and decided to help you so he himself come to me said the man smirking evily.

You cannot do anything our boyfriends and friends will come to save us be ready for your death said tae furiously.

Oh i am scared plsss dont do anything,, hahahah said the man mockingly.

He then go out of the room and make sure that the room is locked.

insid ethe room,

after the man go out joon latched himself into tae and started to cry.

t-t-tae i sniff i am sniff soo scared. i want to hiccup go home.. said joon crying.

 dont worry joonie they will come to save us pls be strong for us for jin hyung. you know who is the man asked tae. no hyung i am seeing this man first time said joon.

he is the one who killled your parents joon said tae sadly. what he is the one asked joon shockingly , how do you know asked joon.

last i was casually walking to kitchen to drink water and i saw some men entering to your room. i then run towards your room and hide behind the walls i heard they talking that they found the son of parks and was discussing about your parents. then they started to pick you up but when i was turn to scream help they catches  me and knocked me out said tae sadly. But eventhough they talked about my parents it didnt meant that he killed my parents asked joon confusingly. no after they knocked me out was not unconscious fully i can hear things so when they were taking us they talked and laughed about your and yours  parents faith and how they murdered them said tae.

 they sat there silently. tae then think about something and asked joon . hey joon dont think i am weird but did you have your crab eventhough its weird to have now but did you have asked tae. my crabie noo why should i hav- joon was stopped by letting out a pained whimper. are you ok joon asked tae concernly. huh some thing bite on my thigh said joon. when joon look at his pocket he was met by his crab mimi. You telll that you dont have the crab said tae shockingly. noo i dont bring it i thing she accidently come to my pocket.

 wahh its good tae said happily. why asked joon confusingly. you remeber this was brought by me and jimin. when i tell you something dont beat me its not real crab its robot said tae not looking to joon. joon eyes were wide and was shocked she is robot why you didnt tell me asked joon whiningly i forgot said tae sheepishly.

but why are you happy about it by theway asked joon. because it will show jimin that  hwre it is and shpow them the locater. so they will find us if jimin is not being an idiot and forget about it said tae signing. Oh i forgot we can speak through it . with that tae take mimi crab into his hand press on his shell it started glowing and tae speak jimin jimin its mee tae i and namjoon got kidnapped pls trace tghe location with that being said the glow stopped. If we have luck they will find if not we should wait.

in the mean time in mansion,

by the way where is tae asked kook panicked. now they know that tae is missing whenthey go to the room was not mess it was clean. May tae had seen joon get kidnapped and tried to help him and get caught said jin  pinching his bridge angryly.

now we have to save the both of them . we neeed to locate them , their phones are here dso we cannot hack is there any other way asked jin seriously.

 as tae thought correctly jimin forgot about the crab because he was panicking and also  tensed with the thought he will loose his brother one more time.

heheh i know its foolish of the crab idea but i had onlythat on my mind.;). we will see if jimine will remember about the mimi crab or not n next chapter thanku all for  the support and reading my stories.

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