chapter 21

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Everyone was happy since everything got on peace. They all are livivng together and always will.

it was a fine morning. Everyone wakeup and gone downstairs to get breakfast, but joon was still sleeping because he was tired of last rough night.{ its not what u think perverts they were playing games }. Since jin wanted that to make a fun night he decided to play games when joon was loosing jin started to tease him it was the big mistake he make. because of the teasing joonie hyped up and was determined to win the game , so that happened last night. Jin sleep half of the way but jooni sleep when he won, stubborn child.

When everyone was sitting on the dining table chatting they hurd a loud voice  AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . Everyone was shocked they stood still for sometime and know it is from joonis room no one spare a time and run towards. They all see joon was sitting at the corner of the bed  face covering with his knees and was crying. Jin came near him and ask " what happened baby why are you crying " by hearing jins voice joon looked up and said " hyungie i am dieing " with that joon started to cry. Everyone was confused hearing that. What are you talking about joonie asked a confused jimin. Namjoon looked at him with his bambi eyes and pointed to the centre of the bed. When everyone looked at the pointing place they see blood. OMG did you  hurt yourself joonie asked now a very anxious tae. No the blood is coming from by lower body mumbledjoon . Huh what after sometime it clicked to everyone and they all started to laugh. Why are you all laughung asked a now pouting joon embarrassed. You are not dieing joonie you are on your periods said a now chuckling jin. Huh periods asked a confused joon. By seeing that look everyone cooed at him. jimin came near him and take namjoons both hands and told " joonie first of all its nothing to be anxious, its normal to haveperiods.(in my story world there are men who can be like women and can get pregnent if you all dont like it thrn plss don't read this and in this story everyone accept that type of males ). ( and jimin told about the importance and purpose of periods to joon. "Hyungie do you also get periods asked joon " yess joon me and tae . So that means i can get pregnent aske djoon . yes said jimin smilingly. Now everyone go out me and tae will clean joon and help him all go out said jimin.

 Everyone go out. jin was jumping and dancing. Why are you soo happ hyung asked a confused jungkook. JIN JHOPE AND SUGA LOOKED AT KOOK WITHA 'ARE YOU SERIOUS LOOK'.Huh why are you all looking at me like that asked kook. jin hyung is happy because joonie got his first period it alsomeans that they can have a there own baby idiot said yoongi annoyingly to kook. That the moment our bunny understood and he also started to jump and dance . Why are you happy now asked a confused jin. I am happy because i can also have a baby saod jungkook smilingly. Now you realises that asked a shocked jhope. Yes said kook proudly. Everyone was face palming by hearing that including our  taeminjoon inside the room. Tell me jimin why he is my boyfriend asked a very annoyed tae.

Later that day ...

joon was lying on the sofa with a huge pout.

 Why is my babybubucupkae pouting asked jin. joon give him a glare and let out a huge huff.

I am having period its not feeling good at all and you are simply sittting enjoying there and i a suffering scolded joonie. By hearin gthat everyone was chuckling. because joonie  was looking like goofball in tomato.

The day was hectic as joon was making tantrum sometime scolding sometimes crying and sometimes acting lovingly. Everyone was helping him . since it was his first time it is not helping at all. After somany criyings he sleep on the bed. Everyone was looking at him lovingly and Tiredly . " i am feeling bad for jin hyunng " said jimin suddenly . And why is that asked jin. Because if in the period his mood swing is like that and what would be when he is pregnant ? after hearing jimin statement everyone got silent and there was a light fear evident. only one thing jin can do use protection. with that everyone go out of he room with jin sitting there with shocked face. 

Ahm soo i know its not possible but since it is a fiction everything is also in a fictional world. And one more time i telling you all if you don't like this topic don't read it. Iwill try to write other stories chaper.

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