chapter 14

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It's been so many days Namjoon is living here. Today suga got a meeting to attend in Japan for 2 days. So he went there in this morning. Everyone got there own work or things. Namjoon was simply laying on the bed bored. He didn't know what to do. So he decided to explore his, now room. He didn't get time to explore bcs he was busy with others since it was first time everyone talking to him  lovingly he doesn't want to miss the chance. So he got up and explore. It was somewhat big. There was nothing particular. He then decided to roam around the big house. When ho go out and went down stairs he then remember he never go to the other garden.only the main garden. So he decided to go. There he see a beautiful garden with small warehouse. Since he was curious he entered. When he entered he saw so many children things and a photo of a cute dimple boy. "He looks like me"thought namjoon. It was placed in center. With so many flowers besides the photo. He then see a pot . When he take to look what it is and took the pot. The moment the door opens the pot from namjoons hand fall down making it broken into pieces. When Namjoon look down he see ashes, then he understand it was there park joons. With sudden realisation he looked up to meat with a slap in his face. The slap was so hard that he fell down with bleeding lips. I am so sorry chimm- .DON'T CALL ME THAT said jimin cutting Namjoon. Jimin then pick Namjoon with collar and look at straight into his eyes. Why did you come here  why did you broke that huh I trusted you I hate you shouldn't have let you leave here otherwise my brother would be here jimin said with  hatred and tears streaming down. Jimin then bring Namjoon to the Hall and throw him on the ground. Namjoon whimper by the pain. Hyung I don't do it inte- he was again cut of by a kick in his stomach.Namjoon cry with pain. By hearing the commotion everyone came down stairs only to meet with the seen that joon is laying down crying and Jimin looking angryly at him.

Heyy what happened asked tae worriedly waking Namjoon. Ask him said Jimin with so much hatred. I don't know that was that was hyungs brothers ash pot ( plss you know the think right I don't know how to tell 🙏).
Wht did you do asked tae suddenly changing the worry into scary. I - I broke it said joon whispering. You did what bitch said now a angry jin. You did what you brake it you bitch I should have never let you enter here did jin angryly . When Namjoon looked up he saw everyone was looking at him with so much hatred and sadness. He didn't know why he didn't do anything intentionally and nobody tell him anything about that if they would tell about him he would have never gone t here, thought Namjoon sadly.

Suddenly he feels his hair being pulled when he looked up he see it was jhope with a very angry look. I know you was not worthy but you make me to think not that way but now.... Said jhope fumingly. U not only break that pot but also our love you how much it meant to us bitch said Jimin angryly. Even though he heard so many hatred talking to him he feels nothing but now when he here that words and hatred his heart broken into pieces he didn't know what to do he was standing there crying his eyes out. We can't kick you out since sugar hyung is not here but when he will come we make sure to do that said jungkook. Until that time you will be in the room. With that they push Namjoon to the room. They locked the room so that he will not go out.

After they all go......

Namjoon lay there crying . He didn't why this always happened to him. After all the crying. He got hungry he didn't eat from the morning. But he didn't got any food only water. He drink some water and lay on the floor bcs he got no strength to do so. He fall in to a deep slumber as he was tired.

Down stairs....

Jimin was crying. I loved him tae but why he did that said Jimin crying. How the hell he got there asked jin. I told him about that said tae regerreting. No need to be sad it's his fault not to keep it said jhope. But he didn't do that intentionally thought jungkook frowning. Everyone sat there saddly. I will tell the maid to clean it said jin whispering soce he didn't want to overwhelm Jimin more. They then stopped the topic and Jimin was  relived of that.
It was evening nobody remember about Namjoon they forget about him and also that he is locked. Poor Namjoon was laying he wake up only to met with the darkness he got up and look around nothing changed no one come here. He thought sadly nobody loves me. Stupid me I shouldn't have done that after blaming himself so many times he again feel hungry but no food so he drink water again. This routine continued for 2 days.....

After 2 days..

Joon was looking very pale since he didn't eat any food and his water is over. He was starving so much. He layed on  the bed didn't got any strength to move call anyone. He feels like he will passed out any moment and that's what happened he pass out in the bed with tears in his eyes.

Meanwhile down stairs.....

Everyone was eating and talking for getting about the poor soul. They go into the Hall waiting yoongi. Yoongi didn't know anything as they didn't want to tell him the truth. ( they only forget about locking the door they thought Namjoon didn't want to go out of the room) . Yoongi entered with so many presents and smiled his gummy smile. Hlo everyone said Yoongi. Hai Yoongi said everyone. Hmm look I got everyone presents , by the way where is joonie he is not seeing here is he is sleeping? Asked Yoongi. By hearing everyone got quite. Yoongi was confused. Yoongi sit here we want to tell you something said jin.
After hearing the story Yoongi was fuming . He got up and slap Jimin. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do. Yoongi the pick the coller of jhope and asked himWHERE IS HE TELL ME WHERE IS HE NOW shouted Yoongi. Why are you defending that bit- jhope was cut if by a slap and Yoongi asked where is he. He is in his room said jungkook scared. Yoongi without any talking he ran upstairs. Other also followed him to know about what happened.

Everyone was in front of the door. Knock knock.. Joonie open the door open the door baby. He is not opening. Did you all lock him up asked Yoongi frustrated. With realisation everyones  got shocked that indeed locked the door and forget about it. After hearing that with any thought he breaks the door with gun to see joon passed out in the bed. Everyone was slightly guilty about that but they don't mind it. Yoongi ran and held him " Joonie wake up baby wake up plss baby " Yoongi then called there doctor. He held joonie until the doctor came. They all go out so that doctor can treat him. Yoongi why the hell where you helping him and slapped us  with disappointment ,did you love him more than our joon- he was cut of by Yoongi yelling...

He is our joonie the Namjoon is the park joon who we all thought lost 8 years ago.....

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