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He was standing alone in a room filled with nothing but darkness, again. Looking around him, he saw nothing until a dark and huge figure appeared.

Oh shit, not again!

"Drake Ray! We meet again!"

You're going to repeat the same thing again, aren't you?

"Not this time boy! I'm here to warn you."

About what?

"About my awakening! As soon as I wake up, I will come for you!"

Dude, you keep telling me that every single time... When are you gonna wake up? I've been waiting for such a long time. You know what? I ain't interested anymore, stay asleep.

"Uhh... Y- you do not need to wait anymore! I WILL wake up!"

Okay, just alert me when you wake up, we gotta meet up soon.

"MEET UP?! Boy, are you not scared of me? I literally captured the strongest demigod to ever exist!"

As the dark figure moved to the side, there was a young boy of about 18 with dark hair and muscular body. His body had scars all over and his eyes were closed but they had dark circles around them with wrinkles indicating that he had been going through a lot lately. He was chained to a wall and below him was a dry pool of blood. I did get scared for a moment until I remembered that the little shit was watching me.

Scared of you? Lol, I think you're scared of ME... You haven't even tried to meet me face to face!

"HAHAHA! The courage you have! Reminds me of the courage this one had, " he gestured to the unconscious boy, "but look where he is now! After a while, you'll be here right next to him. Get ready boy!"

He suddenly started falling.

Drake got up sweating. No, he wasn't sweating because he was scared, it was because of the dream he had. Since the dreams started, they really took a lot of his energy everytime. He had initially told about the dreams to his parents, but they hadn't cared a lot about it, they told that the dreams will subside after a while.

He looked at the clock on the side table, "Oh hell no! I'm going to be late again!"

He rushed into the bathroom and after twenty minutes, he was on his way to school. He entered just as the first bell rang. While walking through the corridor, he felt all the eyes on him. Well, it was normal for him as he received those looks everyday now. With a height of 6 foot 3 inches, moon-white eyes, dark black hair and a widely muscular body, he was very easy to spot.

His timetable was filled with all the classes that bored him to death. After successfully completing Chemistry, Calculus and History, he entered the cafeteria for lunch. Holding the tray of food, he looked around the cafeteria for a place to sit. Drake didn't have a lot of friends, he was mostly alone the whole time. Bullies neither picked on him nor bullied anyone when he was close by. Drake loved that he was big and huge, but he also hated it. He's never had a GOOD or a BEST friend, a friend he could speak his heart out to. Sure, some respected him, but they all maintained their distances. Drake spotted a table at the corner of the cafeteria and started heading towards it. As he walked between the tables, everyone went silent. A group of four friends were coming to sit on the table, but as soon as they saw him, they hurried back the opposite way. See? This was exactly what happened every single day. He sat alone the whole time and quietly finished his lunch. Then he got up to head towards Biology class, another subject he hated.

Just as he was about to enter his class, he heard his name being called from the back. "Drake!"
He looked behind to find Leonald, his Biology classmate, running towards him.
"Mr. Sheldon's calling you to his office, now."
He groaned, "You gotta be kidding me!"
Drake slowly walked towards the office and reached a door that read-

Daniel Sheldon

He knocked and slowly opened the door revealing a very grumpy and frustrated Principal.

Ah, Mr.Ray, please take a seat," Mr. Sheldon gestured towards the chair opposite to him. "So... Why did you do it?"
Drake looked confused for a moment, "Do what?"
"Why did you kidnap him?"
"Kidnap WHOM?"
"WHERE HAVE YOU HIDDEN HIM?" The Principal's veins were showing now.
Before Drake could reply, a huge sound came from behind Drake, who turned his head to find that the sound was coming from the Principal's washroom. He looked quizzical at the Principal and then went to open the door. As soon as he opened, he found Mr. Sheldon lying on the floor with blood flowing from his head. Drake turned his head towards the Principal sitting on the chair, who stood up and started to get larger. Drake was no longer seeing a man, it was a freaking monster with one eye now!

Holy shi-

The Cyclops roared and jumped on Drake, who got slammed on the wall behind him creating a crater. The monster was about seven feet tall, but it was VERY strong for it's height. Drake saw a window in front of him not too far. If he could just get the Cyclops near it... He got off the wall and looked towards the Cyclops which tried to punch him, Drake ducked and pushed it, as the monster was trying to regain it's balance, Drake ran towards it with adrenaline pumping and threw a punch. Surprisingly, the Cyclops side-stepped and kicked Drake's back, which added to the momentum and resulted in him flying out of the window, falling two storeys down and crashing into the football ground.
He thought that few of his bones had shattered, but when he tried to get up, he seemed unhurt. He suddenly heard a screech from the sky and saw a large bird dive down towards him. Drake started to run but the bird started to catch up with him. He found a huge rock and threw it on the bird. The bird screeched once again and smashed the rocks to bits using its wings.

What the HECK is happening today?!

The bird caught up with him and picked him up with its sharp talons. Drake could feel the talons going into his skin and cried out. It took him a moment to realise that the bird was taking him back to the Cyclops which was waiting eagerly for its prey. An idea struck him, stupid but an idea nonetheless. As the bird got closer, Drake grasped the bird's thigh and veered it towards the right just before they reached the Cyclops. The bird involuntarily steered towards the right and the wings slit the monster's head clean. When he looked back, he saw nothing but dust. Then he brought back his attention to the matter at hand, literally. The bird had a soft underbelly, if only he could find-


A shot interrupted Drake's thoughts and he realised that they were going to crash below. When he looked up the bird wasn't even there. Oh shi- He crashed and went flipping through the ground. He stayed down fatigued and in pain. He heard footsteps approaching quickly and then heard a man call out,"Drake! You okay?"

Drake opened his eyes to look at the man but could only see the silhouette because of the Sun behind him.
"Yeah, kind of," he replied, "The body is paining though."

The man laughed and replied, "Yeah, that's normal."

"Normal? You called THAT normal? I was attacked by a couple of who-knows-what-they-were in a single day and you're saying that's normal?!"

"I mean, ye- wait, a couple of birds?"

"No, one was a bird which you just shot- thank you- one was a huge monster with one eye, a Cyclops maybe."

"Oh hell, that was a Cyclops! Where's it now?"

"Ah, I killed it already, it's fine."

The man was stunned, "Y-you killed a CYCLOPS? How?"

"Used the birds wings, those things were sharp as heck!"

The man lend him his hand, Drake held it and pulled himself up. When he saw the man, he froze.
"How did you know my name?"


"Grandpa Dom?"

"Long time no see, huh?" As soon as Dominic said that, he found himself locked in a bear hug and he could feel the boy sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here now!" He smiled with a tear falling across his cheek.

Drake Ray- Descendant of Lycaon Where stories live. Discover now