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The Rec Room was crowded, again. The ping pong table didn't have any Cheez Whiz today, maybe because of the sour mood in the atmosphere. Standing in front of the table were Chiron and Dionysus with Grover on their side. Only the councilors were sitting, the rest were all standing.
Chiron spoke up, "As you know, we have just had a meeting with the Olympians," He looked around. "And the information Dionysus and I have gathered is not very... Pleasent."
"With a Prophecy like that, it's not very surprising." Piper from Aphrodite's Cabin said.
Everyone murmured with agreement and Chiron nodded. "Yes, child. The Prophecy did indeed sound dark. We will need to discuss the Prophecy line by line. Drake, what was the first stanza?"
"Three must journey to the West,
and enter the door they deem best.
Rescuing the hero from the core,
they help their foes through the door."
Will raised his hand, " 'Three must journey to the West, and enter the door they deem best'... The Prophecy is talking about a door or an entrance, right? And if my memory serves me, isn't there an entrance to the Underworld in Los Angeles?"
Every single head present in the room turned towards Annabeth, as they all knew she was Percy Jackson's companion on his first ever quest.
Annabeth nodded, "Correct, and from what I know, that may be the least dangerous. Though it wasn't when we went ten years ago..."
"Don't they have to go to Tartarus? I mean, that's where Percy is, right?" Leo asked.
"Leo, when we were in the Underworld, Grover had a pair of flying shoes given by Luke. The shoes were designed to take the wearer into Tartarus. Grover almost fell into the Pit before the shoes came out. My point is... The most DIRECT entrance to Tartarus is from the Underworld, it may also be the fastest."
Chiron nodded and said, "Well, now we know which entrance to take. 'Rescuing the hero from the core'... Does that mean the core of Tartarus?"
Annabeth sighed. "I guess it's talking about the heart of Tartarus. That's where the doors of Death were, but if Percy is stuck there, then it's almost impossible to get him out of there."
Drake asked, "Why?"
"Drake, the heart of Tartarus is where most of the monsters reside. And going there, even with the help of a titan and a gian-" Annabeth stopped.
Chiron frowned. "What's wrong, child?"
She looked up and said, "The last line- 'They help their foes through the door', good GODS! I should've known!"
"What're you talking about, Annabeth?" Grover asked.
"Bob and Damasen, they're the foes!"
"But doesn't foes mean enemies? Why will we help our enemies?"
But Annabeth couldn't answer, she was panicking. Suddenly, her eyes rolled in and she fainted. All of this was apparently too much for her. Chiron looked at her with worry and turned towards Will. "Take her to the infirmary and make her rest. Send Kayla here to be in your place for now. Grover, I want you to help Will carry Annabeth."
Will nodded and took Annabeth to the infirmary with Grover. A moment later, Kayla stepped in.
"Alright, so now that we have intercepted the first stanza, let's carry on to the second."
"The Void rises once more,
to feed on the cosmo'.
With aid of the universal elements,
the Three Heroes bring an end to it's existence."
The moment Drake finished the last line, cracks appeared on the ground. Everyone started shuffling in confusion. Suddenly, vines started creeping in from the cracks and the whole room was now filled with vines and chaos.
"SETTLE DOWN, NOW!" Chiron raised his voice. For a second, he looked at Dionysus with worry. VINES! OF COURSE! THE GOD OF WINE IS LITERALLY SITTING IN FRONT OF YOU, DUMB-ASS!
But he wasn't the only one who suddenly understood how and from whom the vines started growing from nowhere. The Rec Room was quiet once again, with everyone returning to their seats and the vines slowly shrinking.
Drake spoke up, "Dionysus, there's something about this Prophecy that scares you. There's someone much stronger behind this, isn't it? Someone bigger or stronger than Tartarus." The wine god looked up and nodded his now-purple face slowly. "Drake, the Prophecy is what the gods have been scared of from the beginning of time," Chiron said.
"But why? That's the question."
Chiron slowly walked towards the window and looked out at a far distance, as if thinking deeply. He started, "Before the universe was created, there was only one being, Chaos or... The Void. It created six singularities and then created an explosion using them, which gave existence to the universe and the remnants of these singularities were forged into infinity stones.
The six infinity stones are Time, Space, Soul, Mind, Power and Reality. The stones can only be brandished by beings of extraordinary strength. The carriers can use the stones to bring down entire galaxies, or even, if they're strong enough, the universe. Which is why, Chaos hid the stones far apart from each other, they are scattered across the universe, so that no being could get all of them and cause something BAD, like a genocide or something of such sort. Well, at least that's what it thought. Chaos has always been destined to destroy the universe when the end of time arrives, to consume every single atom present. But there was a titan, who opposed the idea of destroying the universe. He thought that the universe was created to stay eternal, not to be played with. The Titan then came up with a plan, because according to him, only his plan could stop Chaos from perishing the universe. He set out to find all the six stones, and then use them to destroy Chaos once and for all." Chiron stopped.
"Woah, he must've been a crazy titan. Setting out to kill Chaos? Takes a lot of guts. But, Chiron, wasn't what he was doing right? I mean, he wanted to prevent the end of the universe... That's good, isn't it?" Asked Frank.
Chiron nodded slowly, "Well, he was right. But as you know, the gods always have a tendency of messing things up. They messed up then, too. So, during the first Titan War, Chaos whispered into our ears to destroy him. But none of us wanted to, he was the strongest and the most fierce Titan of them all. Even going close to him is suicide. But we had no option, other than to follow our orders."
"Was it Kronos?" Piper asked.
"No." Chiron shook his head.
"No? But wasn't he the strongest Titan?"
Chiron replied, "No, there was one much stronger than him."
There were looks of confusion around the room. "The Titan I'm talking about... Is the eldest of all the Titans."
Hazel frowned, "Oceanus?"
"He wasn't the eldest, child..."
Now, all the campers present were sure that the old centaur was losing his mind.
"You're not making any sense, Chiron! Oceanus is the oldest of the twelve dudes!" Leo said.
Chiron turned towards the councilors. "That's the point, child. We have been hiding some things from the World... There weren't twelve Titans, but thirteen..."
Gasps surrounded the table. Piper asked, wide-eyed, "Thirteen? What do you mean THIRTEEN? Who was the oldest Titan?"
Chiron kept quiet, instead, Dionysus spoke up. "The Titan of Death, also called the Mad Titan... Thanos."
"N-no! That's not possible! Me being the child of Hades, I haven't even heard of such name! Thanatos, yes... But Thanos? They sound similar but I haven't even heard of him!"
All the campers muttered in agreement.
"Di Angelo, how do you think Thanatos got his name? Why do you think there's no GOD of death? Your father is the god of DEAD not DEATH. That's because the position was already booked. Just like Kronos was the Titan of Time, Thanos was the Titan of Death." Dionysus replied.
Piper stepped forward. "Then why hide it from us?"
"Again, it was an order from Chaos. It didn't want Thanos' plan to reach anyone who can be powerful enough to carry it out."
Hazel asked, "Then why are you telling us? Shouldn't it be HIDDEN?" Hazel was clearly infuriated. So were everyone present in the Rec Room. Chiron answered, "Because the gods have decided that killing Thanos was a stupid thing to do. He was right, after all. After hearing that the end of time is approaching and Chaos is going to destroy the universe, they regret that they obliged to Chaos."
Drake spoke up. "But isn't Chaos supposed to be GOOD? I'm not very versed about Greek Myth, but I'm sure that everywhere it's mentioned that she's good."
Dionysus looked up. "Chaos isn't a SHE. I don't even know why you puny mortals have to give everything a gender. Chaos doesn't have a gender. It's neither a HE nor a SHE... Not a THEY too. And as for your question, because that's what even we gods had assumed. But it turns out that we were wrong. Chaos isn't good, it never was."
"Oh, the name suggests otherwise." Leo said, sarcastically.
"Okay, what should we do then?" Drake asked.
Chiron looked at him with sadness. "According to the Prophecy, you must first go and save Percy from Tartarus, and then bring Bob, who's the Titan Iapetus and the giant Damasen with you. After that, I am not very sure... A Great Prophecy has never been so subtle."
Kayla spoke, "Okay... But who's going for the quest? And who'll be leading it?"
Drake replied, "I will be leading the quest."
Clarisse stood up, "How're you so sure? You haven't even been in a fight before and you don't even know what's mostly going on here! Someone experienced should go!"
Before Drake could reply, Rachel gasped and slumped forward on the Table. Chiron looked worried. "Child, are you okay?"
Kayla stepped forward to help Rachel but then jumped back when Hazel looked back up. HOLY MOLY- The look on her face, she was going to give a prophecy again! Rachel opened her mouth and out came the words-

The Wolf shall lead the quest,
and thus will began his test.
After saving the hero from the lair,
each stone must be found by a pair.

The inventor and his offsprings create a gate,
which leads the heroes to their fate.
The heroes must hurry as the Void is nearly awake,
The universe in their hands is at stake.

A choice must be made by the Legacy,
a dilemma he faces by what he will see.
The end will not be as expected,
the stones shall be returned from where they were collected.

Everyone gasped. This had apparently never happened before. Two Prophecies within an hour was unheard of.
"Umm, what just happened?" Leo asked.
Rachel looked very sick. Chiron smiled, "The Oracle has just completed the Third Great Prophecy.
Piper looked towards Clarisse, "I hope your question has got its answer, Clarisse."
Clarisse huffed and sat down. Drake smiled. Rachel, who looked horrible at this point, asked, "Can anyone just give the summary of what I told? I don't want it word to word. From your faces, I can make out it's worse than before."
Chiron nodded slowly and replied, "It was. In simple terms, Drake will lead the quest to rescue Percy, and that will start a sort of a test for him. I have a vague idea of what it is. Lycaon's next Legacy, which is why the Prophecy later called you the Legacy. After Percy is found and brought back safely, twelve campers must go in search of the stones and bring them back. And I have a hunch that it includes Drake and whoever is left of the Seven and some other campers..." Chiron paused when he saw a tear falling from Piper's eye. "To help them find the stone, Hephaestus and his children will build a gate or a bridge so that they can travel intergalactic easily-"
Leo interrupted, "Intergalactic? This feels like a Marvel or a Christopher Nolan movie." Most of them around the table laughed, including Dionysus, but Chiron clearly didn't understand.
Chiron continued, "After bringing the stones, the Three Heroes, I have a suspicion about who those three are, must use them to defeat Chaos. Two things are clear- Chaos is almost awake and a war is coming. So, we must make a move as soon as possible. The Legacy must make a choice, and my best guess is Drake. Then we must return the stones from where you collected it. It doesn't sound simple, and remember- it says that the ending will be unexpected, let's hope the author isn't trying to break the fourth wall here. Anyways, we need to be prepared for deaths and damage, damage which will be beyond repair. And that sums it all up. Any more questions?"
Connor Stoll rose his hand, "Sir, who will be going with Drake for the quest?"
"I was coming to that. Drake, it's your call... Choose any two you want as company to help you with the quest."
Drake nodded slowly. The door opened that Grover entered. "Annabeth's okay now. She's resting."
Drake said, "There are many monsters in Tartarus, right? So I'm going to need someone who'll sniff a monster from a mile away." All the heads in the room turned towards Grover. Drake knew satyrs had great sense of smell. Especially for monsters. "M-me? I'm the last person you want to take to T-t-tartarus. Believe me. Satyrs and Tartarus? Nope. Nada. Nah. We don't get together."
Chiron nodded. "Okay, then. It's decided. Grover is the first companion. Who's the next one?"
Grover fell, unconscious. All of the campers smiled. Before Drake could answer, Kayla rose her hand. "ME! I'LL GO!"
Everyone were taken aback. Kayla had never volunteered for a quest before. Chiron looked at Drake, and he answered, "Okay, I'll take Kayla too."
"It is finalised! Drake Ray- Descendant of Lycaon, Kayla Knowles- Daughter of Apollo and Grover Underwood- Protector, Chosen One of Pan and Leader of the Council of Cloven Elders, you three will set out for the quest to rescue Perseus Jackson at first light, tomorrow. One more announcement, with the incoming danger, we will not have Capture the Flag and other games until the War is over. Dismissed."

Drake Ray- Descendant of Lycaon Where stories live. Discover now