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Drake had thought about how the Oracle of Delphi would look, there were a hundred possibilities. But he did not expect it to look young and beautiful. Emphasis on young. He had thought that she would look like her age, more than thousand-years-old, but she didn't, instead she looked like she was his age, more or less. If he knew his mythology right, then wasn't she supposed to be existing from centuries? Rachel was a redhead with frizzy hair , green eyes and a long slim body. She looked like she was in her late teens and seemed very gentle and at peace. But there was an eerie aura around her, something which was very different from the demigods or the mortal girls. Maybe, it's because of the Oracle, Drake thought. Kayla had told him about Rachel, how she was clear-sighted and how she could see glimpses from the future. Rachel had been sure that she was destined to become the Oracle, or at least become an essence of it. She had a huge crush on Percy Jackson, and Drake knew exactly why. But Rachel had sacrificed her love life in order to become the Oracle, and he respected that. She was greeted by everyone in the Camp, but Drake couldn't help but notice an aura of fear around, all of them respected her, but many also feared her. It was because of the unlucky prophecies she had given, the last one being Apollo's, the god of prophecies himself, according to Chiron. Ironic.
Then, Rachel turned towards Drake and gave a slight nod and a smile, as if she knew he was arriving. Of course, dummy! She's the Oracle! His mind scolded at him. Sometimes, Drake felt that it was Azraq playing with his thoughts and giving the remarks, but he could never figure it out.
"Welcome, Rachel! It has been a long time!" Chiron greeted her bending a bit so that she could hug the old mentor.
"Yes, Chiron, it definitely has been a long time. And a very quiet one too, until the last couple of months." She replied, then looked at Drake. No, stared would be the right word. It was like she was seeing though his very soul. "I knew you would come, Drake Ray. I've been having some... Visions."
Drake looked at her dumbfounded, and all that came out of his mouth was, "Umm, yeah, okay."
Rachel laughed. "Oh, don't worry! It's nothing bad." But her expression turned sour and serious right after she said that. "But it will soon become unpleasant."
"Thanks, I thought my life was finally sorted out after all this time." Drake stated.
Rachel smiled, but with sadness in her eyes. "This is just your beginning, Drake. After a while, you will be praying that you would stand at this point of time again. This may seem hard, but what comes further, is much more difficult. More than the trials of Apollo or the journey of the seven. Have all your fun now, you won't be able to after a few days."
"Rachel, can we please stop scaring the poor guy, now? He's new to all of this and he's already shaken up." The rescuer was Will. That guy was truly the definition of his name, Solace.
Chiron nodded, "And this isn't the time to talk about all of this..." He said looking around at all the campers present. "Let us go to the Amphitheatre, where Rachel will give us the new prophecy." He looked at Clarisse and said, "Gather every single camper and bring them there, I have a feeling that they should be present for this."
Clarisse was wide-eyed. "You don't think that this is the next Gre-"
"I am not sure, child. Now hurry up, we need to get this over with as soon as possible, it will be lunch time after a while."
Clarisse nodded and ran off.

The whole camp was present in the Amphitheatre, with whispers and slight laughs in the air. All of them were excited, how could they be? The prophecy may mean the end of Drake's life, and here he was, in middle of an excited crowd. Get a grip on yourself! Just because you're worried doesn't mean that they should be too! They don't even know what's going to happen! Have you ever thought that this may be the last time they all are laughing? Maybe this will be the last time they're all together and happy! So stop whining and man up! His mind was chiding him, again. Yup, he was definitely going insane now. Chiron trotted in, and silence took control of the atmosphere, there wasn't even a cricket crackling. Well, it's still day, you dumb-head! How do you expect crickets at day? Drake really wished that the voice in his head would shut up.
"Campers! You have all been gathered here for a new prophecy! Yes, this is unusual, I know. But I sense that this might be very crucial. So I want all of you to remain silent at all times, no one will leave until said so and no one will speak after the prophecy during the discussion until asked to. You are allowed to raise your hands, but only during the discussion so that you may give your opinion, if you have one." Everyone nodded.
"Leo, bring the stool for Miss Dare, it is time for the prophecy." Drake noticed how Chiron said 'THE' stool instead of 'A' stool...
A short boy with brown curly hair and a tool belt around his waist, brought a wooden stool from somewhere behind the theatre. "Here, madame, thou shalt sitteth on the Holy-Stool-Grail!" Leo said with a smirk on his face. Rachel laughed slightly and so did rest of the campers. As soon as Rachel sat, her back arched behind and straightened again. But what Drake saw, made him jump and he knew he would have nightmares about this for a long time. He no longer saw a young teenage girl, but a woman with sunk-in cheeks, shining green eyes, and green smoke rising from her eyes and mouth.
Her mouth was open and wasn't moving, but somehow there was a deep voice coming from within:

Drake Ray- Descendant of Lycaon Where stories live. Discover now