Highschool Honeybees: A Beeduo Fic

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Ranboo was the tall quiet kid, always seen hiding his time and doing his school work. You know, like a good student. Tubbo was always the wild child who battled with ADHD on a daily basis, and was always a disruption to the class. The two were seemingly polar opposites, never in a million years would be friends. Yet, by some miracle, things changed.
"Ranboo. Tubbo. You two are partners for the science fair."
Ranboo couldn't believe his ears. He was partnered with Tubbo? The slacker? His perfect grade streak was going to go down the drain thanks to this kid. Tubbo on the other hand was happy to have the nerd as a partner.
Cheerfully, Tubbo bounced over to Ranboo's desk, dropping his books on the surface.
"Hi, partner," he greeted with a shit-eating grin.
Ranboo did nothing but hide behind his split-dyed hair, staring down at the worksheet he was given. Maybe if he ignored him, Ranboo could do the work himself and get away with an A-. Tubbo, however, had different plans. "Not a talker, huh? Or are you just shy? I get it. It must be overwhelming to be partnered with me. I am, after all, the handsomest, beautifulest, coolest guy in school," he bragged.
Ranboo had to cover his mouth, just barely disguising his giggle as a cough. He refused to give in, though, beginning to write on his own worksheet. Oh, shit. Tubbo... Lost his worksheet. It's only been five minutes since he got it, how did he lose it!?
"Uh, hey, so I know this might be a bad time, but... I lost my worksheet."
Ranboo had looked over at Tubbo with an unreadable emotion on his face. How in the hell did this kid lose his worksheet already.
"Check the floor, it might have fallen." Hoping that was the case, Ranboo silently started to work on the questions provided, hoping Tubbo would leave him be. Though that was a lost cause. Not a few seconds later, Tubbo was back to talking.
"Wasn't there big man, for a nerd you sure aren't smart."
Ah yes, bullying, something Tubbo did well, after all he IS friends with THE Tommyinnit. Obviously he knows his way around a jab or two, to Ranboo's dismay.
"Then ask the teacher for another one." Nearly half the questions had been filled in, and they hadn't even discussed a topic. Ranboo chose one for them. Itwas going to be a pasta rocket. Well, now he wanted pasta..he did have some in his lunchbox, and it was in a sandwich bag. Mm spaghetti bag.
"Nah I don't think I will. Besides, we're supposed to be partners anyway. So what did you even write? Pasta rocket? What's a pasta rocket?"
This kid could not shut up for the life of him. And it was pissing off Ranboo a little, but he also liked the attention in a sense.
"It's a rocket..with pasta."
Trying to stifle a giggle was harder, since the idea of a pasta rocket was so incredibly stupid. Though, try as he might, a snort came from his nose as he tried to breathe. Tubbo looked at him, bewildered that this kid just snorted. "Oh this is gonna be interesting isn't it. I hope we don't make a mess of your kitchen making a pasta rocket Mr. Snorts."

//A/N: Awwww this one ends in a cliff hanger :(( Maybe there'll be a second part some day!

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