Glowing Bones San

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Riiiiiiiing. The school bell rings and the tall big bois hums as he leaves his class to go off to lunch, his personal favorite subject. The voices protest; lunch is not a subject. And so c!Clay gets into an internal argument with the voices. Bunmp. "hey kiddo, watch where you're going." c!Clay gasps, hes never seen the upperclassman, sans undertale, make it to a class on time before! "sans-senpai!! you're on time for a class for once!!" "yeah, 'cause lunch is the best class of the whole day." c!Clay smirks, he was right after all, luch IS a class. Haha take that voices. "so uh... what's you're name kiddo?" c!Clay snaps out of it. "Oh!! I'm clay :]" sans smiles lazily. "well, clay-kun, care to join me for lunch?" :OOOOOOOOOOO "WOULD I????!!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO SANS-SENPAI!!!!!!! :]]]]]]"The cherry blossom petals fluttered to the ground beautifully in the springtime wind. Sitting on the rim of the fountain, c!Clay and Sans Undertale unwrapped their lunches. Though, c!Clay was much, much slower in unpackaging and unwrapping his, for he was far too busy looking at and admiring Sans-senpai Undertale. This did not go unnoticed. "* uh hey kid you good there?" The skeleton asked, pausing his bite from his hotdog. c!Clay blinked before blushing profusely, looking away from the skeleton. "Y-yes, Sans-senpai! I just...tend to get lost in thought.." He could feel his heart beating a mile per minute, sweat starting to form on his forehead. "* oh ok cool" Sans shrugged and continued with his lunch, c!Clay following suit. It was quiet from then on, except for after Sans caught c!Clay staring once again. "* yo dude you're staring again" he smirked with a hint of confusion to his expression. The glowbug boy blushed again, but this time he bowed his head slightly and spoke, "I'm sorry, Sans-senpai! I don't mean to!" his words are rushed and messy, but clear enough for the magical skeleton to understand. "* hey it's cool. * but if you got something on your mind you can tell me" The tone to his voice was full of genuine concern for the younger classmen. When he gave c!Clay a reassuring smile, though, what happened next is not what he expected at all. In the blink of an eye, the glowbug student had moved to be standing on his knee, holding Sans boney hand in his fleshy, larger one. "Oh, Sans-Senpai! I can't lie to you anymore!!" c!Clay cried out. "* huh whu" "Sans-senpai..." c!Clay took a deep breath "I...I...""Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu!!!" Clay's face was entirely red. Tears were at the corners of his eyes. He would only hope that the skeleton would return the feelings. Sans smirked. Following a brief sigh. Clay was taken a back. What could his crush possibly be thinking? Preparing himself, Sans closed his eyes then slowly opened them back up, looking off to the side. "* listen. i-im sorry..but...i just cant return it." "Wh-" "* shhhhhhhhh" Sans put his boney index finger up to Clay's soft lips. Such soft skin. Sans wished he had skin. "* its not you. i appreciate your feelings. but i cant do this... for you see. theres someone else." Clay furrowed his eyebrows together. A look of confusion and anger had spread across his face. Who the hell could it be? Who is getting between their love?!! Sans pulled out a bottle of ketchup from his pant's pocket and sighed lovingly. "* its her." Clay reached out a hand to hold onto San's school uniform. He couldn't be left for a fucking bottle of ketchup. "Wait!!" "* sorry kid. but i gotta go." Sans then turned his back on Clay, giving one last final wave that would indicate that their short time together would be their last. The skeleton then made his way over to his motorbike and rode off into the sunset with his lover, the ketchup bottle he had named Heinz. **Author's note. Heinz went on to become a famous brand. Who would then leave Sans for fame and fortune. And Clay never found love and dropped out of school because he was too heartbroken to continue.

//A.N: .........Don't ask...

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