Rick Rolled in the Best Way (A Fundastly Fic)

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Fundy stood solemly his bushy red tail twitching sadly. IT was going to be the day of his and Dream's wedding but Dre decided to go and devorice him for Georgenot found and that made him sad. It was a very sad day. He was a sad furry. DNF real, not clickbait. but a long came a strangers, much taller than the small fox man and the rain made it hard to see. "hello???""Hey funds been a while"there stood fundys best friend rick astley. tears streaming down his face fundy ran to rick and sobbed into his chest, paws gripping onto the front of the famous singers shirt. "oh ricky, todays been jsut terrible! dre left me for george! i cannot believe this! i am so sad!"rick gently hugged the fox boy with his big strong msucely arms. "dont worry little buddy. you know ill never give you up, and you know ill never let u down"fundy blushed as the tears were wiupes away.
rick held fundys paws in his hands as they parted from each other's embrace. "Why don't we go cheer you up with some hot chocolte together. Just like old times." Fundy's eyes lit up, sharing food with rick was always the best time. but then his mood dampened and his ears drooped. "But i don't have any money on me....im sorry rick :(" Rick gave the small fox a smile and brushed some wet fur out of fundy's face. "Don't worry about that. I'll pay for you, no need to pay me back. It's a treat for such a handsome fox such as your own" Fundy blushed at the word handsome. "r-really ricky?" "of course fundy. lets go now"
Ah, hot chocolate. One of the hottest topics of debate in the world of warm-drinks and their fans. Fundy and Rick Astley did indeed go out and get hot chocolate, but not without bringing attention to themselves. After all, Rick Astley is such a famous Minecraft Youtuber. How could no one recognize him? In bringing that attention, however, it also brought upon a shock and grand questioning. Rick Astley, drinking hot chocolate? Fans are outraged. Tea-drinkers and coffee-drinkers alike rise in anger, asking how he could be so full of hatred. The hashtag #RickAstleyIsOverParty trends alongside #TeaCoffeeAlliance and #HotChocoCancelled.A war breaks out worldwide, and it isn't long before the land masses themselves become a war playground for everyone. Governments fall, while factions rise. Fundy and Risk Astley find hemsltves on the field at one point, and they go out in a choclately epxlosion.

// A.N: truely a tragic ending :pensive:

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