Chapter 7

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Date night

If I had to choose a more depressive evening than a Sunday evening I'd choose any first date ever. Let's just face it. First dates suck. You put so much effort into getting ready just to go sit into some lame place and make awkward small talk for two and a half hours with someone that in the end will turn out to be a jerk. If you're lucky enough an urgent call from a friend will rescue you from all this torture, or maybe the drinks in that place will be good enough to pay for all the crap you've been through. Or maybe the waiter will be cute enough and give you his phone number and the night won't be a complete bummer in the end. But to be honest first dates are complete bummers most of the time.

"No seriously I think that first dates are a complete waist of time." I once had told Alexander as we were talking at lunch.

"I think you just happen to go out with jerks that have no idea how to organize a proper date." he replied but I shook my head negatively.

"No no listen to me I tell you," I paused to grab another bite of my salmon sandwich, "first dates are horrible nine in ten times. Why can't we just skip to the second?" I asked while chewing loudly.

Alexander gave me a disgusted look and wrinkled his nose. "Dear lord how can you enjoy that thing?" he questioned and I gave him a small punch in the arm. "Aouch. Anyways I still believe you have just the wrong impression about first dates." he continued and I rolled my eyes.

"And what do you know about first dates huh? You haven't dated for ages."

"It hasn't been that long since I had my last date you know." he said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah it hasn't been a long time since the Tudors you're right I remember it like it was yesterday." I moaked him earning a sharp glance by him.


"Come on now don't try to convince me you like first dates," I continued, "you hate people!"

"That's why I go on dates with people I like and find interesting." Alexander said.

"And what is your seduction plan mister Dane?" I asked curious to see his ideal date. "What do you plan for your interesting lady?"

Alexander took a sip of his soda and paused for a few seconds. "I would take her to the theater." he simply said without looking at me.

"Wow how original." I moaked. "Do you want the poor girl to die of boredom Dane?"

"I don't mean I'd take her to see a play." he told me with his serious tone. "I meant I'll just take her to the theater." he paused for a moment his gaze fixed on me, "to an ampty theater. Only us upon the stage. Just me and her. Our own protagonists and our own viewers. The only ones we need. And we'll be dancing. With no music just by humming her favorite song. And I'll read Shakespeare to her. And in the end I'll lean and kiss her."

I looked at him with my jaw dropped. Was he kidding me? That was amazing. Damn you Dane! Damn you for not taking me to your stupid perfect first dates!

"What do you think was it too boring or do I have chances?" he asked me and I almost choked on my sandwich.

"I... Umm well maybe if she's a pretentious theater nerd like you..." I murmured turning my face to look out of the window in order to hide my reddened cheeks and give out my frustration.

Alexander laughed at my remark and touched my shoulder. "I know you hate the idea but thank you for the encouragement. I really hope I'll do it with someone special at some point."

I don't hate the idea you stupid alien head.

"Is there someone special in your life right now?" I asked and Alexander grinned. He pulled out and lit a cigarette before offering me one too. I took it from him with trembling hands waiting to hear his answer.

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