Chapter 4

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Hungover And Scrabbled Eggs

The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. Gosh I must have drunken the whole bar last night. I sat up in the bed and rubbed my head. What a party. Not that I remembered a lot of things to be honest. Only me fighting with Alex (how original), drinking and dancing like a maniac along with Jason. But all the memories were blury and I couldn't really remember how I got home in the end.

"Hey hold on a minute." I looked at the room around me. That wasn't my house. And it wasn't Gwen's either. "WHERE AM I?" I wandered loudly and I quickly jumped out of the bed running to the kitchen where I saw Alexander preparing scrambled eggs. I immediately froze in my place. Wait was this Alexander's house?

"Look who decided to wake up." he said and put two slices of bread with jam on a plate. "Coffee?" he offered me a mug.

"Alex what the hell am I doing here?" I asked trying to make my brain remember anything from last night but it was useless. Everything was blank. I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing a huge t-shirt and pyjama pants that must belonged to Alexander.

"You were super drunk, Gwen couldn't take you home since she was staying with Jason, so they gave you to me. Coffee?" he gave me the mug once again.

I took it from his hands and shallowed a big sip trying to wake up and forget my awful headache. The coffee was sour with no sugar at all and I made a disgusted face as I tasted it.

"It's good for the hungover trust me." Alexander said once he saw my face.

"I would rather drink poison." I grunted.

"Someone's very grumpy today I see..." he said sarcastically and I stuck out my tongue at him.

Slowly, more and more memories from last night begun coming into my mind and I started feeling more and more embarrassed of what I did and said.

Me dancing in the top of a table wearing Jason's weird glasses.

Me falling inside the pool and Fred and Alex having to drag me out.

Me having an argument with a decorative cactus.

Me jumping on a couch along with Jason screaming lines from our show.

Me trying to makeout with a pillow.

Me trying to makeout with my reflection on the mirror.

"There's no way I'm drinking ever again." I thought to myself as I rubbed my temples to stop the headache.

"So..... Last night...." I begun saying.

"Yeah?" he raised his eyebrow.

"What- umm what exactly happened because I kind of don't remember lots of things ..." I managed to say as I was playing with my fingers nervously, staring at the kitchen's floor too embarrassed to look anywhere else. The fact that Alexander also had to take my drunk ass home, change my clothes and put me to sleep didn't make the things better at all.

"You were drunk." he replied without taking his eyes from the eggs inside of the pan.

"Yeah I obviously know that." I sighed, "I mean... What did I do while drunk?"

"If you're asking if we slept together, no we didn't." he said and I almost choked on my coffee.

"I- ummm I didn't meant that but yeah I'm glad we cleared that up." I mumbled and he nodded. Great, another awkward situation I managed to get myself into. Congrats Amy.

The next few minutes passed in an uncomfortable silence with me slowly drinking the sour black coffee and Alexander preparing the eggs. Once they were ready he placed them on a plate and put it on the table along with some slices of bread and some strawberry jam.

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