Chapter 3

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The party.

The rest of the week passed quickly with me completely ignoring Alexander and speaking to him only if I had to. It wasn't that easy actually since there were a lot of scenes with us together but I managed to keep our interaction strictly professional. No more sharing cigarettes on the shooting breaks, no more chatting on the makeup trailer and teasing of Jason, no more fighting about which sandwich is better. Nothing. And it was actually better that way. In that way I wasn't thinking of my crush at him so often and to be honest maybe I was beginning to getting over it.

"No I'm telling you I'm totally over it. It doesn't even bother me at this point." I said to Gwen as we were both sitting down on the makeup trailer getting ready.

"I still believe it's better if you guys talk. I don't like seeing you that way. You had a good friendship don't let a stupid thing Jason said ruin it." she paused to look at me, "You know how he is he says stupid stuff all the time."

"Well it's not just that. He seemed so offended by the fact that he was gonna be intimate with me. It hurts Gwen. It hurts to tell you they find you repulsive straight to your face." I stopped and took a big breath. Gwen saw how frustrated I had become and went behind me hugging soflty my shoulders.

"I'm sorry honey I didn't want to upset you." she spoke.

"It's alright." I gave her a weak smile and got up to go find my wig. "Just let me deal with it in Amy's way this time."

Gwen smiled and proceeded to help me put the wig on. "And what exactly is Amy's way?" she asked.

"Drinking my ass off on Jason's party." I replied while securing the blue strands of hair on the sides of my face with small bobypins.

"I'm pretty sure that's Jason way." Gwen laughed and I raised my shoulders.

"Okay then Jason's way it is."


So the day of the party came and I couldn't be more excited. After a painful week at work this was all I needed to relax and distract myself. I looked at my wordrobe wandering what should I wear. While I was digging into a huge pile of clothes on my floor, trying to decide between mini skirts and sparkling dresses my phone rang. I ran to the living room to pick it up.


"Hey Amy! How is my favorite girl doing?" a cheerful and slightly tipsy Jason sounded from the other side.

"Does Gwen know you are drinking right now?" I teased him and he let out a weird sound.

"Shhhhhhhhh don't tell Gwen..."

"Jason I'm literally standing next to you." Gwen's voice sounded and I could picture her rolling her eyes at him while he was looking at her with a stupid grin on his face.

"When are you coming Amy?" I heard Gwen again and I concidered she had taken the phone from Jason's hands.

"Fred and Tommy will pick me up they said they're coming in about an hour. Has the party already started?"

"Well a lot of people have already arrived and you know Jason, he's been drinking from even before the party begun." Gwen sighed and I looked at the half empty wine bottle on the table.

"Well he isn't the only one." I murmured.

"Amy have you been drinking?"

"Well I told you this weekend is Jason style." i raised my shoulders and heard anither sigh from the other side of the line.

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