Chapter 4: A familiar face

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1 week later...

Nat and Steve had both begun to get restless. The bunker was cold, uncomfortable, unpleasant, and it was small. They had no privacy from one another, and they had no means of showering or bathing. Nat had begun to get snippy and testy at the smallest things, and Steve had taken to long walks that lasted way into the night, long after Nat had fallen asleep.

"Steve, do you think it's time we moved on? To a new hideout?" Nat was standing by the hole in the ceiling, sunlight flooding into the room, illuminating the back of her head.
"And where would you go, Nat?"
"We could contact Clint? Ask if we could stay for a short while?" Nat looked earnestly at Steve, she didn't look great. Her skin was paler, and she had dark circles under her bloodshot eyes.
"I don't think I have any service out here."
"Then let's go drive somewhere where there is service." There was a desperate look in her green eyes that overpowered the rest of his senses.
"Fine. Do you want to walk to the edge of the woods and I pick you up there, or do you think that you can manage the drive?"
"I think I can walk, but drive close to my side just in case. This morning sickness is a nasty piece of work." Steve nodded as he packed up their belongings. They headed out towards the truck, the sunlight dancing through the leaves above, creating glittery patterns on the forest floor. Steve put the bags in the back seats whilst he took his usual spot in the driver's. He started up the engine and back slowly driving out, with Nat following, her hand on her small bump. He kept the window open, chatting to Nat as they continued towards the road. "How long we're you thinking?" Steve asked, a few minutes after they had left.
"A week or two. Depends on how long they think it's ok for us to stay there for."
"You sure you don't want to get in?"
"I'm sure. If you want me to, I can walk faster."
"Do what you think is best, 'Tasha." Nat sped up, Steve keeping up with her.
"Are we going to tell them?"
"What, that I'm pregnant? Maybe, I'm not sure, not unless I think that there is any need to."
"C'mon, he's one of your best friends, you're gonna have to tell him."
"Jeez Rogers, stop telling me what to tell my friends." Natasha smirked, glancing over at Steve's concentrated face as he looked at the tracks ahead. She began to get out of breath, panting slightly with each step she took.
"Are you sure you don't want to get in?"
"Yes, Rogers, I'm sure." She panted.
"Natasha, stop. Get in the truck, you're gonna knock yourself out."
"I'm- fine-..." Nat was gasping at this point.
"No, you're not. Get in before I stop and carry you in."
"Fine. But- go slowly- " Steve stopped the car as Nat doubled over, one hand still on her bump, the other on her thigh, stopping her from keeling over any further. Once she had regained control of her lungs, she made her way slowly to her door. Steve opened it from the inside and pushed it open. Nat caught it and sat down. The truck began to move again, slowly like Nat wanted, easing over each bump and into each hole in a way that was less uncomfortable than the original journey there.
"Better, thanks."


About half an hour or so later, they had settled themselves in a coffee shop on the edge of the nearest town. Steve was outside phoning Clint on their burner phone, Nat inside, sipping a carton of apple juice, watching him from her window seat, her hood up. She watched as he hung up and turned towards the front of the shop and nodded at her. Steve then made his way back into the cosy building and sat in the seat next to her. "Clint's coming to get us, and he'll be here in about an hour or so, depending on traffic."
"Good. I can finally have a shower."
"Is that all you're looking forward to, Nat?" Steve grinned, looking over at her. When he got no response, he gently nudged her shoulder with his elbow. She startled slightly.
"Sorry, Steve, I'm just really tired, and I know its not your fault, you've done your best, but- "
"'Tasha, I know, I know. You don't need to apologise. And there's nothing we can really change either, if I could, then I would." He leant over for an embrace. Natasha leant her head on his shoulder, trying to keep her eyes open. "What's going to happen in terms of transport, is that we are all going in Clint's car over there, then you're going to stay whilst Clint and I go and get the truck."
"Ok." She murmured softly, cradling her bump. Gently she dozed off, with Steve staring at the beautiful woman beside him, carrying his child. The idea of having a woman like her, so stunning and confidant as his teammate seemed astonishing to him, let alone having this weird and complicated relationship with her. It was strange: he felt like they were together, but they weren't, exactly.

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