Chapter 11: The team back together again

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Nat woke up early the next morning and walked into their en-suite, turning on the shower. She undressed and stepped inside, feeling the hot water soak her hair, run down her body, enveloping her in sweet bliss. She ran her moringa-scented shampoo through her hair, scrunching the tips as she reached the bottom. She poured conditioner into her hands and scraped it through her tresses, scrunching the tips again. She ran soap across her body, caressing her stomach as her baby kicked once more. After a while, she turned off the flow of water and stepped out, wrapping a soft fluffy towel around her.

"If I had known that you were in there, I would've joined you." Steve yawned, stretching his muscled arms as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Would've been nice, you missed the baby kicking again." She smiled, sitting down on the bed, wringing her hair out.
"What?! Oh well, I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt it then." He kissed her wet forehead. She moved over towards the dresser and pulled out a hoodie and leggings, and put them on. She pulled out her curling iron and got to work, effortlessly creating beautiful curls that hung past her shoulders. Once she had finished, she unplugged the curler and placed it down on the surface. Steve moved towards her and placed a hand around her waist. "How about some breakfast, Nat?" She turned her head and smiled at him.
"Oh I could kill for an omelette right about now."

"Ah, look who it is!" Tony cried, raising a frying pan and spatula above his head. "The glowing mother to be and Steve!"
"Haha, very funny Tony." Steve said sarcastically as he sat down at the kitchen island. Nat picked up a clean pan and began cooking, chopping vegetables with precision, whisking the eggs and cream together, stirring in the vegetables. She reached into the cupboard above her and took down the paprika, and added that to the mixture. She poured the mixture into the pan and put it under the grill. The room began to smell divine as the omelette cooked, and she only took it out when it was nice and golden. She split it in half and placed them on two plates, passing one to Steve.
"I thought you might like me to cook for a change." She grinned as she sat down. He took a bite; it was like a delicious, fluffy bomb had just gone off inside his mouth.
"This is amazing! Where did you learn how to cook like this?"
"Russia, all of the times that I had to hide over there, I learned how to cook." Tony nodded; it was always a rare occasion when Natasha opened up about her past.
"Right, well, I going to call the others, so Clint, Wanda, Scott, Sam, and Barnes, so that we can all have a meeting to end this feud once and for all." Tony replied, nonchalantly, as he sipped his coffee.
"Wow, Stark. That's mature of you." Steve said, surprised.
"Yeah, well, Pepper's still really annoyed about everything that's happened, so..."
"Where is she?" Nat enquired, taking another mouthful of omelette.
"She's at work. You see, since I made her CEO of Stark Industries, she's had so much to run, and-"
"Yeah, yeah, Tony, everyone knows how brilliant your wife is." Rhodey laughed as he walked into the kitchen. "God, something smells good."
"Thanks," Tony joked. "It's me."
"Why d'you have to make it weird all the time." Rhodey moaned as Steve and Nat cracked up laughing.
"Rhodey, Rhodey, Rhodey." He sighed, shaking his head. "If you have to ask me, then I guess you don't know me as well as you thought you did."
"Hey, Tony, if you want, we have everyone's new numbers here if you want them?" Steve told him, pulling his burner out of his pocket.
"Great, thanks for letting me know." He said, his hand reaching for the phone.
"Any time, Tony."


It was in the beginning of the evening when everyone had arrived, and were making their way into the meeting room. Pepper, Bruce, Vision, Rhodey, Sam, and Bucky were already seated. Tony had ordered pizzas in case people were hungry, and naturally Nat had already eaten half a pizza before the meeting had begun. Wanda had taken the seat next to Nat, and was marvelling at the photograph that they had been given at the end of the ultrasound scan. "I'm so glad that this little one is doing ok, we were all so terrified, and none of us could even start to imagine what you were going through." Wanda said as she put the photo down and reached for a slice of pizza.
"I'm telling you, it was more terrifying than dealing with a winter soldier."
"Uh, language!" Steve said as he sat down at Nat's other side.
"Sorry Rogers." Nat kissed Steve before he grabbed a fresh box, helping himself to the Italian cuisine.
"Hey Natasha, pass us the photo." Clint called as he walked into the room, beer in hand. She passed it to him and he hugged her from her chair.
"What's going on?" Scott asked, entering the room, his eyes drawn to Clint and Natasha.
"Does he know yet?" Clint whispered in Nat and Steve's ears. They shook their heads.
"Do you want to tell him?" Nat whispered to Steve. He nodded.
"Scott, Nat and I are going to have a baby." Scott looked at them, eyes wide in surprise.
"Wow, um congratu- wow!" Nat laughed.
"He's in shock." She grinned as he took a seat at the table.
"Ah, everyone's finally here!" Tony declared, entering the room as Clint went and took a seat opposite Nat.
"What is this," Sam gestured at the group "Exactly?"
"Some may call it a truce, others a reconciliation, some," He nodded at Cap. "Call it an armistice." He walked around the table, and tried to take a slice from Nat's plate. She promptly attempted to stab his hand with a fork.
"Don't take my food, and there'll be no conflict between you and me."
"Point taken. I know how badly these Accords have tampered with our, what's the word? Predisposition."
"Um, I don't exactly know what's happened? I was kind of in a different part of the universe." Banner pointed out, uneasily.
"Ok, we'll get to that in a bit. Basically, Banner, we were given the option to sign some sort of contract forcing us to fight with "boundaries". Not everyone signed, and so the avengers had some kind of civil war."
"Some kind of civil war? Tony we had to go on the run. We had to live in fear of not waking up the next morning." Steve countered, his voice rising partially.
"This is where I'm trying to get to, Rogers. If we call off whatever this is, then things can get back to normal."
"Stark, that may not be as easy as you say it is. A lot of trust has been broken." Wanda voiced, trying to meet his eyes.
"I think what Tony is trying to say," Pepper replied, trying to help the situation. "Is maybe we all take a break from fighting, maybe get to know one another again. Just relax, and then maybe things can get to some kind of normal, cause let's be honest, do we even know what is normal anymore?"
"Mrs Potts does have a point." Vision furthered. "Let us try to regroup, not only as teammates or allies, but as a family."
"I agree." Clint said, lifting his pizza slice to his mouth and taking a bite.
"Then it's settled, we regroup." Nat finished her slice and gripped Steve's hand under the table.

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