Chapter 13: Taking a break

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1 and 1/2 months later.

It had been a little while since the ambush; Fury had told Natasha and Steve that if the Secretary had one more incident like the iron legion attack, then he'd be out of office. He had tried his very best to give him the sack, but was unable to do so. Natasha was very definitely pregnant, she could no longer hide her increasingly swelling stomach anymore, and the more she was pregnant, the more protective Steve became. Bruce had been summoned by Heimdall to Thor's ship out in space; no one knew what that was all about. They had expected Thor to come back by now.

"I think we should go somewhere, Natasha, somewhere where we can just relax, be just the two of us again. Before the baby comes." Steve suggested as he turned a page in his book. Nat was busy sorting files at her desk, organising and stacking them to the best of her abilities.
"You do, do you?" She replied, not fully focusing on him.
"Yeah. It would be fun."
"Rogers, I've got files to sort, I have to put older ones onto the system, I've got to finalise the last 6 months all the way from the Lagos incident. I don't have time to "go somewhere"." He put his book down and looked at her with deep admiration. "God, this baby is kicking almost as hard as I do!" She muttered, putting a hand onto her bump.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, it's just getting on my nerves."
"You're hungry, let me get you something to eat. What would you like?"
"Banana milkshake and some Oreos." She answered, eyes glued to her computer screen as she typed furiously one handed as she held her stomach with the other.

Steve half jogged down to the kitchen when he bumped into Sam. "Where're you going?" He asked.
"To get an annoyed girlfriend some food."
"Is she still pissed about the desk job?"
"One, watch your language, and two, she's more stressed than annoyed. I want to take her out on a quiet retreat so that we can calm down and pull ourselves together again before she has the baby, but she's struggling to find any time."
"Talk to Fury, he's the only one with any kind of authority over her. He can make her take a break to go on your trip."
"That's not a bad idea, we could make it seem like he came up with it when he goes to talk to 'Tasha."
"Exactly. You need any help getting her food?"
"Yeah, just pass me the ingredients so that we can save time."
"Sure. What is it she wants?"
"Oreos and a banana milkshake."


Steve walked towards Natasha, her face screwed in frustration. "Hey, I got your Oreos and milkshake!" He called, holding them above his head. He placed them on her desk and she attacked the packaging and grabbed an Oreo. She murmured with delight as she chewed. She picked up her drink and slurped it. "Better?" He laughed as she grabbed another biscuit. She nodded, grinning at him before returning to her work. He sat down opposite her desk and reached his hand out towards the packaging. She slapped it away. "Mine." She growled, making him laugh even harder. She started laughing with him, and it made him fall in love with her all over again. "I love you Natasha." He murmured as he kissed her forehead.
"Love you too, Rogers." She replied, kissing him on the lips.
"How much longer are you gonna be working for today?"
"Until I've finished organising these files." She gestured at the computer screen. It pinged with an email. She looked at it, confused after noticing that it was from Fury.
"What's up?"
"Fury just emailed me. He wants me to meet him in his office pronto."
"Sounds important." He said, turning the page in his book.
"Yes." She said, her suspicions creeping up on her as she stood up. "Don't try and touch anything on my desk, I've got a very specific method here, and I don't need it getting all messed up." She grabbed an Oreo and her milkshake, gently ruffling Steve's hair as she walked out of the room, causing him to stare after her.


"What did you do?" Natasha asked, raising her brows as she re entered the room, her hands on her hips.
"What?" He questioned, acting innocent.
"Well, I highly doubt that it's a coincidence that you come up with the idea that we take a short break from work, and then the very same day, in fact the very same afternoon, Fury calls me to his office to say that I need to take a break." She laughed, standing beside him.
"Well, you've caught me. What're you gonna do, 'Tasha?" He teased.
"I'm going to pack some clothes, and I suggest that you come and join me." She teased back, grinning, and picking up the remaining Oreos from her desk. He got up and followed her out of the room, wrapping is strong arms around her stomach, supporting it slightly as they walked. "Where should we go?" She enquired, looking up at him.
"Well, where do you want to go." She thought for a moment.
"I want to go and see if my sister's alright."
"I didn't know you had a sister, Romanoff?"
"Yeah, there's still a lot you don't know about me, Rogers." He laughed.
"Ok, well what's her name, then?"
"Yelena Belova." He nodded as they reached their bedroom door.
"And where is she?" He turned the door handle and they entered.
"Last time I saw here she was in Budapest, though she lives in Russia." Steve shook his head.
"No, we're not going that far. You can't be going flying." She moved over to the chest of drawers and started pulling out clothes. "How about Manhattan, or Brooklyn?" She nodded, moving over to the wardrobe. "Which one, Nat?"
"I don't mind, you pick."
"Is this because I'm not taking you to Russia?"
"No, it was a stupid idea."
"Nat, it wasn't. Well, maybe in your current state of pregnancy, but it's never a stupid idea to want to see your family." There was sadness hidden in the blue of his eyes, Nat noticed and moved over to him, sitting down and stroking his hair, letting it run through her fingers like caramel.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder, still stroking his golden tresses.
"For what?"
"You know what."
"Natasha, you don't have to apologise for still having a family from when you were a child."
"They weren't exactly family back then. They just housed us from our training in the Red Room when we weren't being handcuffed to the bedposts there. I never would've called it a home until last year." She got up and continued packing clothes, pulling out some for Steve as well. "Do you want to get the suitcase?"
"Uh, yeah." He bent down to look under the bed.
"It's not under there. If it was, then I wouldn't have asked you to get it. It's above the wardrobe, remember?" He moved over to her and pulled the case from above her head, and set it down on the bed.

Hey guys, I'm sorry that this chapter decreased in quality towards the end, I had an awful lot of writer's block.
There was a mention of Yelena here, so maybe she will be turning up later on...
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