Chapter 8: Reunited

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That evening, Nat and Steve stayed in their room, contemplating where they should move onto. Nat had already begun packing their clothes, tossing them into their bags, whilst Steve picked them up and folded them neatly. "Where could we go where the secretary wouldn't be able to find us?" Steve muttered over and over under his breath as his hands manipulated the shirts into neat squares and setting them down on to the bed.
"Steve, shouldn't we be asking ourselves 'how did Tony find us?'?" Nat said, turning towards him.
"It's Tony; he's one of the smartest people on the planet, he should've been able to find us sooner." He answered, keeping his head turned towards the sweatpants in his hands. Nat sat down on the bed, moving the pile of shirts to the side. "Oh come on, I've just folded them!" He complained, looking over at her. God, he thought, she is beautiful. Nat rolled her eyes at him, grinning for a moment.
"Steve, what about Sam's place? It worked for us before." Nat contemplated, as she pushed herself up against the headboard. He took the seat next to her, leaning her head on hers.
"It's on SHIELD's files, he could check there when we arrive, and then what."
"Doesn't he have a safehouse?"
"I could message him on the burner phone and see."
"Go on then." He reached over and opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet and pulled out the phone. His fingers pressed the keys, and Natasha wished that he was doing that to her. He pressed send and smiled over at her, and kissed her forehead. She placed her hand on her stomach, and his hand moved on to hers. The phone beeped, and he looked at it.
"Sam's sent the address. I'll let him know we're leaving tomorrow."
"Alright." She replied, brushing her fingernails against his chest. He tucked his arm around her, enjoying their moment together.


Steve packed their belongings into the back of their truck whilst Nat was being suffocated in a big hug with the kids, none of them wanting to let go. Laura and Clint had hard work trying to pull them off of her, but she held on equally tightly. "Natasha," Steve laughed as he walked up the stairs towards them. "It's time to go." He put a hand on her shoulder.
"Come on, kids, auntie Nat has to go."
"But why?" Cooper asked, as Nate wailed whilst his mother successfully detached him from Nat's leg.
"I have to go and get ready for the baby," she lied, stroking his head. "We haven't been able to get anything yet." One by one the others let go for her to embrace her best friend and his wife. "Thank you so much for having us, we really appreciate it." Nat said as they let go.
"You're welcome here any time, you know that, right?" Clint asked. Nat nodded as Steve reached for her hand.
"Have a safe journey." Laura said, hugging Lila at her side, Nate on her hip.
"We'll try." Steve replied. They turned away and walked to the truck, and got in. As they began to drive off, they waved to their hosts, the kids chasing after as fast as they could until they reached the gate.

"You never really told me where this safe house is?" Natasha asked, keeping her eyes in front of her, as they drove down the highway.
"It's in Indiana, and that's all I'm saying."
"We don't know who's listening in on us." He took a hand off of the wheel and placed it on her thigh, looked over and smiled. She looked at him through the corner of her eye and smirked. "It'll be a few hours before we get there; you may want some shut eye."
"I'm good thanks," She said, cradling her bump. It all still didn't feel real: she wasn't meant to have this, she was meant to live out her days as nothing more than an assassin, and yet here she was, sitting beside the man that she loved, carrying their unborn child.


They made their way down a long driveway surrounded by trees on each side. It was beautiful, quiet, peaceful. They turned a corner and came face to face with a large farmhouse, with white panelled walls, grey slate roof, and a smoking brick chimney. They pulled over and opened the door. "Steve, Natasha. It's good to see you." Sam greeted them, walking down the porch steps towards the truck as they opened the doors and stepped out.
"Sam, thanks so much." Steve moved towards him, and gave him a bro hug. Natasha made her way around the vehicle, a zipped up hoodie hiding her swelling stomach from view.
"Sam." She said, as she hugged him as well.
"How're you guys doing?"
"Not bad. Yourself?" Steve asked, wrapping his arm around Nat.
"Same over here. Bucky and Wanda are here as well, they couldn't be on their own, not after everything that's happened. Come inside, I'll get you something to eat." They followed him into the living room, where they met the others.
"Natasha!" Wanda said, a smile spreading across her once sullen face, moving closer to embrace her best friend. Bucky stood up and nodded at Steve, a grin etching itself across his. "Something about you feels different, Nat." Wanda whispered in her ear, so that no one else could hear.
"I'll tell you later, when it's just us two." She whispered back.
"Do you two wanna sit down, and I'll grab us some coffees?" Sam asked, hovering in the doorway.
"Do you have something different, something maybe less strong?" Nat asked, sitting down in between Wanda and Steve.
"Uh, yeah, there's juice in the fridge?"
"That sounds good, thanks." Wanda gave her a weird look, but then brushed it aside.
"What's exactly happened over at your end?" Bucky asked, sitting down opposite them. Steve looked Nat; she shook her head at him.
"Nothing much," He replied. "We've moved around a bit, stayed at Clint's for 2 months, and Stark visited us there. The Secretary's taken over his new iron legion and is using it to look for us, so we had to leave. Didn't want them getting caught in any crossfire."
"Here you go." Sam said, handing them their drinks. Nat took a sip, and lowered it.
"Wait, Stark found you? What exactly happened there?" Bucky grilled, a worried expression erasing the happy one from earlier.
"They beat each other up, and I stepped in and stopped it. He then warned us about the Secretary, and then left." Nat answered, half truthfully. She didn't want to drop the bombshell just yet.


"Why didn't you tell them?" Steve asked, when they were unpacking in their room.
"Relax, I'm gonna tell Wanda tonight. I didn't want Barnes to faint from shock." She grinned, turning to face him.
"You sure you don't want to do it now?" He turned round. "I can ask her to come upstairs, if you want me to do so." She nodded. He moved over to her, and kissed her on the lips, electricity once again zapped down her spine, only it was just a bit stronger this time. After a moment, he stepped outside of the room and went downstairs. She sat down on the double bed, her hands cradling her bump again, pushing the material of her hoodie back to fully appreciate its size. She smiled as she gazed at it; she hadn't even met her child, and yet she felt an unmeasurable amount of love for it.

"Hey, Steve said that you wanted to talk?" Wanda had appeared in the doorway, a hand resting on the frame.
"Yeah, sit down." Nat replied, turning around, her hands falling from their comfortable position. Wanda obeyed, placing herself down next to Nat.
"You told me downstairs that something felt different about me."
"Yes, and you didn't want coffee, and yet you always want coffee."
"Well, now don't, um, react extremely, the boys don't know, well, Steve knows, obviously, but,"
"Nat, just spit it out." Nat unzipped her hoodie, exposing her clothed midriff.
"I'm pregnant."
"Oh my god!" Wanda squealed, throwing herself at Nat, knocking her over. "How long? Who's the father? How?"
"Calm down, it's been 15 weeks, so I'm in my second trimester, Steve's the father, and I honestly don't know how. We think that the sterilisation operation the Red Room did to me wasn't entirely effective." Wanda sat up, and saw the fear in Nat's eyes.
"What's on your mind?" She enquired, holding her hand.
"How can I have a baby, when the father and I are being hunted down by the government? It's just not possible, especially with our jobs." Nat began to sob. She hadn't let Steve see this side of her, only the happy and joyful one, but with Stark's recent news, it had become harder and harder for her to pretend.
"Hey, hey, look at me." Wanda soothed, wiping away her tears and then placing her hands on Nat's shoulders. "Everything is going to be alright. I know that you will be able to do this, you are one of the strongest people that I know, and I know that you will make all of this work out for the three of you, you just need to trust yourself." Nat nodded, before embracing her best friend once again, with Wanda's hand resting on her stomach.

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