000 , prologue

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ooo. prologue.


Rightfully so, when her body was found, abandoned, floating in the vacant pool she often swam in at night to clear her mind. The blonde girl wearing a triangle pink bikini was now nothing but a corpse with her once beautiful head bashed in, and her throat slashed open.

Lydia Martin was just as confused as the others when she somehow managed to find herself at said pool, after driving unconsciously. The strawberry blonde had only gone out to go grocery shopping, and instead found the body of her first real friend, Cori. As anyone who just found a dead body would do, the girl screamed—waking the teens with heightened hearing, and causing their bodies to jolt as they recognized the voice. The timid girl immediately after, dialed 911, and then proceeded to call the one person she knew would be able to handle this. At least, that's what she thought.

But when Stiles Stilinski rolled up to the scene in his nearly broken, sky blue jeep, the roaring of the engine filling the void of timid silence, she quickly realized how wrong she was. The boy now standing before her, with his scared expression and nervous hands as he ran up to her, grabbing ahold of her shoulders and forcing her to look at him, was not at all prepared for the sight he was soon to see.

Because not even ten feet away from where they stood, lied the body of the girl he'd loved since the moment his whiskey eyes met hers. And as his eyes once again, fell upon the girl cladded in pink, instead of the gushing that typically followed, Stiles felt his heart tear easily in two, as if it were a thin piece of paper.

Blood was spread around her, dyeing the pool dark red, similar to the nail polish she wore on her fingers, staining her porcelain skin as she laid face down in the water. If it weren't for her pink and sequenced bikini, or shining blonde hair, she was almost unrecognizable. But Stiles knew her well, well enough to know that the body he was now staring at, belonged to the first girl he'd ever loved. And alongside him, Lydia Martin held a special place in her heart dedicated to the girl she first ever truly befriended.

So it was true.

Corinna Hoffman was dead.

But not for long. . .

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