003 , living corpse

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003. living corpse.

THE RIDE TO THE ANIMAL CLINIC was awkward, to say the least. With a deafening silence eating away at the three teenagers sitting in the car seats, hands fiddling and breathing dramatically loud, it was uncomfortable. In the few moments that passed of Corinna sitting in the backseat of the powder blue jeep she had come to learn had a name—Roscoe—she desperately wished she were still rotting away in a coffin, rather than sitting in said car with two teenage boys that hadn't a clue what was happening with her. But to be fair, she was unsure as well. For poor Corinna Hoffman was still in the outs of the supernatural world, but after bringing brought back to life, she had reason to believe it was anything less than fiction. Though, her beliefs of there being no life after death still had her thinking otherwise.

When the car finally rolled into the lot of the clinic, parking in one of the many empty spaces, seeing as it was nearing midnight, so the clinic was technically closed, Corinna nearly leapt out of her seat at the taste of freedom.

"Thank God, I thought I was going to die again being trapped in that car," Corinna muttered, receiving looks of disapproval from the two teenage boys. "What? Don't say that wasn't crucially painful for you guys, I'd know you're lying."

Stiles and Scott shared a shrug before walking beside the blonde girl to the glass door that held a sign reading "CLOSED." But that clearly wasn't a factor kept in mind for the three as they continued through the door, a bell ringing above their heads as they entered.

A man appeared from a room in the back, his arms folded behind his back as he held a small smile on his face. "Scott, Stiles—" he paused as he noticed the girl lingering beside them, glancing around the room and taking in the sight of everything before her. "Corinna?" He questioned, receiving a mock salute from the girl as she continued to stare off.

"In the flesh," the girl finally spoke up as she turned to face him. "So I hear you're the one who can tell me what the hell happened to me?" She asked bluntly, though a hint of fear was laced in her words.

The man known as Deaton pursed his lips before opening the wooden gate, only to pause and close it again as he got an idea. "Yes . . . that would be me. Corinna, why don't you follow me?" He asked, gesturing with his hand to the gate that was built with mountain ash, a safety precaution from supernatural creatures.

The blonde girl shrugged before stepping forward, pushing the gate open and walking through with ease. Receiving confused glances in response from the three other people occupying the room, Cori furrowed her brows. "What? Did I fail some kind of test I didn't know I was taking? Normally I'm pretty good at taking tests, but I guess you've stumped me, Doc."

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄  ❪ s. stilinski ❫Where stories live. Discover now