005 , death at your doorstep

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005. death at your doorstep.

IN THE TOWN OF BEACON HILLS where monsters lurked in the dark and nightmares became realities more often than dreams did, Corinna Hoffman was the saving grace of it all. The blonde with lips tasting of cherry chapstick and hair of coconut scented shampoo, held a smile that could comfort anyone that needed it. But Cori disagreed.

She didn't think of herself as the princess that everyone claimed she was, and she certainly didn't feel very angelic. Especially years later, after carrying the weight of her wings and halo for so long, she felt drained—exhausted. Perhaps that was what had led to the girl falling and turning to the ruins of substance abuse. But most who knew of her addiction, blamed it on her grief. Even as she turned to the pills stuffed away in her bathroom cupboard, the town still defended her, claiming that grief make you do things you wouldn't ever imagine doing. And maybe they were right. Experiencing a loss, especially one as traumatic as her sister's, had its affects. But by putting the blame onto something out of reach and uncontrollable, they were only worsening her problem. For the town of Beacon Hills was the true fault in this equation, their stream of lies feeding into the hunger for substances that left her dazed.

But even through it all; through the constant blackouts and hazed memories, Corinna had her saving grace—her sister, Lilah Hoffman, and other half, Allison Argent. The other blonde and dark haired girl were the true angels in Corinna's tainted mind, not her herself. For when she had fallen at the hands of grief, Allison and Lilah came out stronger, better. They were the ones the town of Beacon Hills should be at their knees for, not poor, ruined, Corinna Hoffman.

But unfortunately, the world has a funny way of showing its gratitude for its own angels.

Allison Argent, fallen victim to the encasing darkness of void, coming out the other end with a samurai wedged deep within her soul, scratching the innocence and leaving it blank.

Lilah Hoffman, the girl who faced more grief in just a few years than most did in a lifetime. That amount of loss leads you to do crazy things.

And lastly, Corinna Hoffman; the girl taken too soon by the hands of something far greater than she had ever known.

The three angels were just that— angels. But sometimes, the ones with wings aren't always the ones dressed in white, holding halos above their heads like a shining, gold trophy. Sometimes they're devils in disguise, for Lucifer was once an angel himself.

And for Lilah Hoffman . . . well, they always said she looked good in red.


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