004 , remember the departed

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004. remember the departed.


It had only been an hour since she had risen from her grave, yet already her world was turning upside down. The supernatural existed - and some of her best friends were a part of it - she had actually died and came back to life, and now she was being thrown into the midsts of self-discovery; because not a single person standing in the room beside her knew what happened to her.

And while this bundle of newfound information was a lot to take in, all Corinna could focus on was going home, seeing her sister, and then calling her best friend Allison to rant to about all of this.

But there was one key factor about that wish that the three males standing beside her failed to mention. One that would only crush the blonde even more, which was something they weren't sure she'd be able to handle - Hell, they weren't even able to handle it themselves still.

Corinna clapped her hands and jumped down from the metal table, landing on the pair of converse shoes that belonged to Stiles that were also four sizes too big for her. "Okay! So since we've concluded that we have no idea what the hell happened to me, can I go now? I wanna see my sister and Alli."

At the mere mention of her name, Scott and Stiles went stiff. Both had experienced the loss of their dear friend, but had been impacted in different ways. Scott had lost his first-love, the person that would always hold a special place in his heart. While Stiles had been swarmed with guilt as he still felt he was responsible for the huntress' death after being possessed by the nogitsune that played part in her departure. Still, both boys were severely impacted by her death. Much like Cori would soon be.

Deaton glanced at the two boys, seemingly awaiting for one of them to speak up. But as they both remained standing, their eyes fixed on the ground, he knew an answer would not soon come. Hence why he stepped forward, placing a hand on Cori's shoulder comfortingly, before delivering the news of sorrow. "Corinna . . . I'm not quite sure how to say this." He paused, unable to speak his next words as they got caught in his throat.

"Say what? Did something else happen?" Cori questioned, her face contorting in confusion as she glanced between the three.

Deaton released a sigh before finally, the words slipped from his mouth. "Corinna, Allison was killed by the Oni. She died not long after you did . . . I'm very sorry."

In one single second, as the words Allison and died pieced together in her mind, time seemed to stop and Corinna felt as if her entire world was torn in two. Though they hadn't known each other long, and a large portion of Allison's life was a secret to Corinna, the two girls were still inseparable. Their souls fit like two pieces of a puzzle, one which had been lost, but found by the other and placed so perfectly together, it was as if they were one. And now, that piece was lost once more. Thrown back into the dark, leaving the other to stand alone again, feeling nothing but overwhelming emptiness.

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄  ❪ s. stilinski ❫Where stories live. Discover now