007 , angelic essence

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007. angelic essence.

A BEAM OF LIGHT SHINED in from the open window, landing perfectly on the sleeping girl and illuminating her essence of an angel.

She hadn't slept since the revival, evident based upon the bags hanging under her eyes and the tiredness of her voice when she arrived back at the Stilinski residence.

The blue plaid duvet rested above her cold body like an armor of warmth, protecting her from the darkness that lingered just outside the door.

Stiles Stilinski stood in the living room, pacing, as the others sat on various seating arrangements, all fidgeting nervously as they awaited for the word.

Lydia Martin was the first one to break the silence after they had received a message of urgency from the one pacing, and arrived at the house as soon as they could. Now, they were sitting in silence. A very tension filled one. "Stiles, will you just tell us what the hell we're doing here? What was so urgent that we needed to come over at 9 am?" The strawberry blonde said bitterly, her hair slightly knotted and clothes wrinkled. It was one of those days where the death of her two best friends swarmed her lungs and left her gasping for air.

Scott and Stiles exchanged a nervous glance, unsure how to approach the topic. "Um . . . okay, so something happened yesterday," Scott began, his brows furrowing as if he were questioning his own words after speaking them.

Were they right to be doing this? They thought. Surely, the pack would discover the newly presence of Corinna Hoffman eventually, but so soon? They wondered if this was a mistake.

This time, it was Malia Tate that spoke. "Can you just get on with it already?"

Sensing their frustration towards the lack of answers, Stiles and Scott sighed and readied themselves for the truth. The brutal truth. The boy in plaid took a seat across from the group and beside his best friend, the two leaning forward on their knees as their hands rubbed the fabric of their jeans, a nervous habit they both picked up.

"We don't know how it's possible yet—we're still trying to work that out—which was why we didn't say anything, y'know? We wanted to have all the answers before we put this on all of you because . . ." Stiles couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.

Thus resulting in Scott picking up where he left. ". . . Incase it's not permanent." He finished, the words hitting both of their hearts deeply. They feared the miracle of Corinna Hoffman would finish its course soon, as there was a balance to everything—especially life. One cannot die and come back to life by the grace of God, it wasn't possible. There was always something deeper within, a loophole.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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