002 , sleeping soul

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002. sleeping soul.

MONTHS HAD PASSED since the death of dear Corinna Hoffman, and still the town mourned for the girl that once represented the kindness and love Beacon Hills' was said to present. People visited her grave daily, leaving flowers at the carved stone as their way of showing their remembrance. Even people that hadn't ever spoken to her, left lilies at the spot that now acted as the marking of where Cori's rotting corpse had been left to rest.

The stone with her name written on it rested neatly beside the other lost Hoffman, the girl's younger sister, Amara. She had passed away four months prior, due to an illness that overtook her body and ripped away her soul from the world. Taken far too soon, just like her older sister now.

The group of teenagers that felt responsible for the girl's death also visited often, occasionally leaving flowers at the grave, but mostly just staring in silence as guilt swarmed their dark rooted minds. Their friend—their dear Cori, taken by the hands of Jennifer Blake, the darach that had arrived to town earlier in the year, portraying the roll as the innocent English teacher.

Corinna's body lay still, her beautiful chocolate eyes hidden from the world as her eyelids remained closed. The world continued to move without her, and the people went forward with their lives, leaving the memories of the blonde girl buried beside her in her grave.

But maybe—just maybe, the world didn't have to live without Corinna Hoffman just yet. Because as her eyelids shot open, revealing the dark irises many had fallen weak at the knees to, the universe decided the girl's story wasn't over just yet. For their angel hadn't quite finished her task, thus granting her a second chance; at life, and at death.

The blonde girl, dazed and confused, gasped as her chest heaved, her lungs filling with air for the first time since the incident. Being met with the sight of wood staring back at her not two inches from her face, the girl began to panic, instantly bringing her hands up to the wood and beginning to bang on it, calling for help. But Corinna Hoffman was six feet under, how would anyone hear her? They wouldn't.

Thus leading to the girl having to escape all on her own. She punched, clawed, and kicked desperately at the lid encasing her, her knuckles and fingernails quickly turning red as the skin turned raw and began to peel. Until finally, a small hole was created and piles of dirt began to seep through, covering her body. Corinna coughed as it filled her lungs, but pushed through and continued to punch and punch.

Once the hole became wider and she could climb out, she did so, ignoring the dirt clinging to her skin and seeping into the cuts on her hands. It stung, but pain didn't seem to faze the Hoffman girl as the light of life shun brighter on her than it ever had before.

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐒𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄  ❪ s. stilinski ❫Where stories live. Discover now