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"It looks like you might actually need a tutor to help you improve your Korean," Riz said at the end of the week. "You've improved a lot since your first lesson, but not enough for you to be able to fully understand all your classes if you were to attend school,"

"I told you that I don't need to attend school," Sora told him. "I'll just focus on finding another job and earning money,"

"Do you need more money?" Riz inquired. "What do you need the money for?"

"For rent and necessities when I move out," Sora stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You won't need me around once your hand is healed up so I'll need to get a new job,"

"You can still work here if you want," Riz offered. "I could still use the help around the bakery since it's only me working here while my wife works at her job,"

"Are you sure that's alright?" Sora hesitated. "I don't want to intrude and overstay my welcome,"

"Amy, Azure, and I already consider you to be family," 

"You've literally known me for less than two weeks," Sora deadpanned.

"Well...that means that it only took so little time for you to worm your way into our hearts," Riz laughed warmly. "So do you want to stay?"

'As much as I want to move away from here so I can avoid Donald and Kingsley, I have to think realistically about my current situation,' Sora thought. 'I'm broke and I can barely understand Korean. I doubt I'd be able to survive on the streets like Donald. Getting a job would be pretty much impossible due to my lack of understanding the Korean language. I'll die if I try to live on my own,' "If you and your family are really fine with me staying, I accept,"


'Fuck,' Sora mentally cursed. 'Of course Riz would still get someone to tutor me. But it's not only one tutor, but two tutors. And the two of them just so happened to be Donald and Kingsley,'

"Sora, are you listening?" 

So that's how Sora ended up sitting at her usual table in Riz's bakery with Donald and Kingsley on either side of her.


"Yeah?" She finally responded. 

"Are you alright?" Donald asked. "You were spacing out just now,"

"Do you want to take a break?" Kingsley added. 

"I'm fine," Sora told them. "But are you guys sure you have time to tutor me? You're probably busy with your own studies," 'And shouldn't you be focusing on the Union business? I know Donald is the boss so you can do whatever you guys want, but surely you guys are extremely busy, right?' "I can just use the internet to help me. I don't want to be a bother,"

"You're not a bother," Both of them replied in sync.

'At least I know they'd be good tutors since they get the top grades in their school,' Sora silently sighed. 'The faster I improve, the faster they'll lose their reason to be around me,'


After an hour and a half of tutoring Sora, they decided to end the session for the day. "So," Donald asked Kingsley as they headed home. "You're interested in Sora?"

"Is that a problem?" Kingsley would usually never go against Donald but...he was interested in Sora. 

"What if I say that I'm interested in her too?" Donald decided to test Kingsley's reaction.

"It doesn't matter who likes her," Kingsley simply responded. "What matters is who she'll choose,"

"Then may the best man win," Donald said.

"The best man wouldn't be the groom at the wedding," Kingsley smirked. "The person she chooses would be the one she'd marry,"

Slow down, boy! You three are still in high school!


'That was mentally exhausting,' Sora thought as she helped clean up the bakery. 'At this point, I'm willing to enroll in Eunjang. I can hold my own in a fight and since most of those delinquents' attacks are predictable, I can win a fight. I know it's an all boys school, but they might make an exception? What are the chances of me ending up in the same class as Gray, Ben, Teddy, or Gerard? There's what, at least fifteen classrooms?'

Sora shook her head as she finished up. 'No, I can't fangirl right now. I don't want to get involved with any Weak Hero character. That plan's kinda fucked up since Donald and Kingsley seem to be eager to hang around me. I've interacted with Jake and Dean when I first arrived, but I haven't seen them since then, which is a good thing,'

'I know Yeo-Il is a co-ed school, but I highly doubt I'd get in. There are other schools that accept girls. I know the middle school Julia attended was...Songmin Middle School? Since there's a Eunjang Middle School and Eunjang High School as well as a Daehyeon Middle School and a Daehyeon High School, there's a chance of there being a Songmin High School,'

'There haven't been any girl gangs shown in canon, but there is a possibility of them existing in an all girls school. I really don't want to get into a fight with a gang since I might end up being outnumbered and overpowered. I could try to lay low but Eugene did that and he still got roped into the Eungang. This is all so stressful and annoying!'

'Let's hope that both Donald and Kingsley eventually lose interest in me soon,'

What high school do you think Sora will end up at? Will she qualify for Yeo-Il? Or will one of the all boys schools make an exception and accept a female student? Or will she go to an all girls school?

|Weak Hero| Sky Blue Eyes [Donald Na X OC X Kingsley Kwan]Where stories live. Discover now