The Baker

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Jake acted as a translator for Sora since she didn't know much Korean. Sora only suffered from bruises and cuts. Thankfully, she had no broken bones or internal injuries. She had apparently fainted earlier from fatigue...and the fact that Jake had been running while carrying her.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Sora asked Jake with an annoyed expression. "I can't afford it,"

"I'll take care of the expenses," Jake assured her. 

'Right, he makes enough money from the Union commissions to buy expensive clothing brands,' Sora recalled. 'Even after paying for Kenny's medical bills, he still has enough to afford a lot of things,' "Well, thanks I guess," 'This is awkward...'

"Where are your parents?" Jake asked. "They must be worried about you,"

Sora looked away at the mention of her parents. "They're...dead..." She whispered. 'Even though it's been years, it still hurts to recall that painful memory,'

"I'm sorry," Jake apologized. "I didn't mean to cause painful memories to resurface,"

"It's fine," Sora said. 'Jake really does remind me of an anime protagonist. He goes out of his way to help people, as if he has a hero complex or something. If it hadn't been for Manwol Union attacking Kenny, then Jake wouldn't have joined the Yeongdeungpo Union,'

"So why are you in Korea if you can't speak Korean?" Jake inquired. "Wouldn't it be hard to communicate without a translator? And you look around my age so how are you attending school if you can't understand Korean?"

"I didn't come to Korea of my own free will," Sora sighed. 'He won't believe me if  I say that I'm from another world where this one is fictional. Well, he might believe that I've been isekai'd since he's a big anime fan, but his friends and brother won't believe me and will think that I'm crazy,'

"Were you kidnapped?" Jake's expression darkened. "Who kidnapped you? Were they the ones who hurt you?"

"Yes?" Sora wasn't really sure how to answer that question. 'I mean, Truck-kun technically did take me away illegally by force. He also hit me, which is how I got injured,'

"I can call the police and they should be able to help you get back home," Jake said.

"It doesn't matter if I'm here or the United States," Sora mumbled. 'Even if I go back to the US, I'm still in the Weak Hero World. Sora Kirigawa doesn't exist in this world. I have no identity, no property, no bank account, no money, and no home. My cousins, my aunt, and my uncle aren't here,' "I don't want to waste the police's time, especially since I have nothing there. I'll probably just rebuild my life here,"

"You can't speak, read, or write Korean,"

"Well, I'm sure I'll manage somehow," Sora claimed. "If you don't like the hand that fate's dealt you with, fight for a new one," 'Since this is the Weak Hero World, then the key to getting home will most likely be around this area. Obviously I don't want to get involved in the actual fighting, so I'll just watch the characters from afar if anything. It'll just be like when I read the Webtoon. I'll be fantasizing and fangirling inside my head and never talking about my interests except on social media with complete strangers,"

Jake smiled. "Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead, but you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit. Maybe I'll see you around again,"

"Maybe," 'Hopefully not,' "Thank you for the help today," 'Though it was rather excessive of him to pay for a complete stranger's hospital bills. Does he feel guilty about it being dirty money?'

"That's right, I didn't get your name," Jake paused at the doorway. "I'm Jake Ji,"

"I'm Sora Kirigawa,"


Once Sora was discharged, she immediately began to wander aimlessly around the area. 'I'm doomed. I said I'll manage somehow, but I can't get a job without speaking Korean! I should just return to the US. At least I'd be able to understand the language there,' She wandered into a park and plopped down onto a bench. 'I can try to learn at least the basics using my phone, but the battery won't last long enough for me to gain complete comprehension of the basics,'

Sora's stomach let out a soft growl. "I should go buy something to eat," She was unfamiliar with the area and allowed her feet to wander once more. She stopped when she heard yelling coming from a nearby bakery. She rushed inside and saw that a masked and hooded figure was robbing the bakery at knifepoint.

Once the bag was filled with the money from the register, the robber sought to make a hasty escape. Sora was no stranger to violence and disarmed the robber with a quick back handed slap before easily knocking the robber out. She noticed the scent of blood in the air and saw that the baker had been stabbed in the hand. She rushed over to help apply first aid.

"Thank you for your help," The baker said in English after calling the police.

"How did you know I spoke English?" Sora inquired. "I don't look Korean at all,"

The baker pointed to Sora's phone screen, which showed the website with basic English to Korean translations. "I am fluent in English so we can speak in English if you'd like,"

"I've applied first aid to your hand, but you should still go to the hospital," Sora said. "Err...I hope it's not too much trouble, but could you help translate when I give my statement to the police?" 'I don't want to have any misunderstandings with the police,'


Once the police left, Sora silently sighed. She took out a bunch of money from her pocket and stared for a moment before putting them away. 'I was thinking of actually buying something to eat, but now I remember that I only have US dollars and cents. I have a couple yen coins, but I don't have any Korean won with me. Am I gonna have to dig through trash to survive?'

"Do you want a job?" The baker asked, having seen the foreign currency.

"Yeah, but you know I can't speak Korean," Sora told him.

"I just need someone to help make the pastries," The baker offered. "I'll handle cashiering and give you Korean lessons," 

"I know how to bake," Sora accepted the deal. 'It's good that I have a teacher to help me learn Korean. Some sites aren't completely correct, including translators,'

"I just need you to fill out the job application form," The baker placed the form on the counter.

Sora filled out the basic information she would be able to provide, such as her name, date of birth, and phone number. The baker helped translate each label for her. But when they got down to address, Sora didn't write anything. "Is my address really necessary?"

"Is something wrong?" The baker questioned with concern. "Do you live in a bad neighborhood? Is your home abusive?"

"It's not that," Sora shook her head. "I..." 'It's not like I can get away with lying about my address,' "I don't live anywhere,"

The baker looked at her with pity. "Well, my family and I have a spare bedroom,"

"I can't accept," Sora looked away, feeling embarrassed. "Just the job offer is enough," 'I don't want to be a burden to his family,'

"You saved me and stopped the person robbing my bakery," The baker told her. "It's not like we constantly have guests over, so the spare bedroom is pretty much always unoccupied,"

'This is...too good to be true,' Sora thought pessimistically. 'But since I'm pretty much doomed without it, what more do I have to lose if I accept his offer?'

Sora's got a job and a place to stay now.

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