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"This is the first time you've spent that long outside," Riz commented during dinner. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes," Sora nodded. "I made new friends,"

"That's good," Amy smiled. 

"We played soccer," 

"You should invite them over sometime," Riz suggested. 

Sora raised a brow. "You haven't even suggested I invite Donald and Kingsley despite me knowing them longer,"

"In the past they've always declined my invites to dine with my family," Riz said. "But since you're friends with them, maybe they'll accept this time,"

'I really don't wanna invite Donald, Kingsley, Jake, or Jake's friends here,' Sora mentally groaned. 'Riz's home is supposed to be my safe haven. It's supposed to be a break away from anything Weak Hero related. It's a small sense of normalcy that I can try to maintain,'

"Are you okay with inviting them here?" Amy inquired. "You don't have to invite them over if you don't want to,"

"It's your guys' choice," Sora put up a convincing fake smile. "It's your home. You guys have helped me a lot, so I don't want to dictate who you can and can't invite into your own home,"

"You're part of this family too!" Azure loudly proclaimed. "You're my big sister!"

The Nam Family's words warmed Sora's heart. 'A family, huh? I lived with my cousins, aunt, and uncle after my parents were murdered. It's not the same though. I still wish I could turn back time and prevent my parents' deaths. Riz and Amy said I'm like a daughter to them, but I can't think of them as my parents, not even as adoptive parents,'

"I've only recently just met them, so I'd rather not invite them yet," Sora admitted.

"Thank you for telling us your concerns," Riz said. "Remember, you're part of our family. Your input matters too,"

"Yeah," Sora nodded.


"Mom? Dad?" Four year old Sora called as she headed downstairs. "I'm thirsty,"

Both of her parents were tied up and their mouths were duct taped shut. They were yelling something at her, but their shouts were muffled by the duct tape.

"Mom! Dad!" Sora ran over to them. "What's going on?"

"Glad you could join us, dear sister," Sitting on the couch was her older brother, Soro. 

"What's going on, Soro!?" Sora asked. "Why are Mom and Dad tied up!? Why do you have a gun!? You're scaring me!"

"Most villains in movies have some kind of deep reason as to why they became villains," Soro spun the handgun with his pointer finger. "I don't. I'm just evil, plain and simple. I'm just bored with everything, so I decided to spice up my life," He pointed his gun right at his sister.

"NO!" Their mother managed to get the duct tape off of her mouth. "Leave your sister out of this! Please, she's just a child!"

Soro stared at her with a bored expression. "Am I supposed to give a fuck?"

Their father managed to stand up and tackled Soro. Soro kicked him off and fired a shot at their father's thigh, and then at each of his knees. Their father cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, unable to remain standing.

"RUN, SORA!" Their mother screamed as she also fought back.

But Sora was only a child, one that was frozen in fear. Her legs wouldn't move and she just stood there, watching as her older brother murdered their parents. Their blood splattered onto Sora's clothes and when her mind finally registered what the hell was going on, she let out a loud shriek filled with horror.

Sora jolted awake, sweat coating her forehead and palms. Her body trembled and she hugged herself, trying to stop the quaking. 

"I-I'm okay..." She shakily whispered to herself. "I'm okay...Soro is in prison. He can't get to me..." She covered her mouth as she cried. She didn't want to accidentally wake up Riz, Amy, or Azure.

Normally, she'd go to her aunt, uncle, or one of her cousins for comfort. But she couldn't, not now. They were in the Real World while she was trapped in the Weak Hero World. She was truly alone.

'I want to go home...'


She couldn't fall back asleep so she went for a walk instead. It was late, around 11 PM. She hadn't been asleep for too long when she had been awakened by that nightmare. 

'See, Soro's not around,' She told herself. 'There's nothing to be afraid of. Soro can't get to me,'

She had learnt self-defense as well as martial arts to protect herself, hence why she was able to defeat the robber easily. She could probably handle someone wielding a knife, but if a gun were to be used, she'd definitely struggle. Fortunately, South Korea had very strict gun laws.

A yellow Lamborghini pulled up next to her. "Sora?"

Sora stopped walking and turned to the occupants of the car. "Donald? Kingsley?" 'I guess they're on their way home after staying late at their office in Yeouinaru,'

"Why are you doing out so late?" Donald asked.

"Just going on a late night stroll," She shrugged. 

But Donald and Kingsley were no fools. Her exhaustion was clearly evident in her eyes, despite her attempts to hide behind her false smile.

"I could ask the same of you two," Sora added.

"We were working on a group project for school," Kingsley lied. 'She looks very tired, but she doesn't look like she wants to fall asleep. Her expression reminds me of Donald's when he woke up from a nightmare. Perhaps she also suffered from a nightmare,' "We plan to stop by a cafe. Do you want to join us?"

Sora wanted to refuse. She didn't want to get close to Donald and Kingsley. They were bad news. For fuck's sake, they were antagonists in the series! She didn't want to attract negative attention by hanging around them and potentially get caught in the crossfire of gang wars.

But right now, she didn't really want to be alone. She didn't want to be alone with that horrifying memory fresh in her mind. So, she agreed.

Soro's name is very similar to Sora's name because originally they were going to be twins, but I decided to make him older than Sora.

|Weak Hero| Sky Blue Eyes [Donald Na X OC X Kingsley Kwan]Where stories live. Discover now