Midnight Tea

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Sora sat in the backseat of the Lamborghini. She silently watched the city pass by as Donald drove. After a few minutes, they pulled into a parking stall on the side of the road. All three teens got out of the car and entered the cafe.

Sora looked up at the menu but she didn't have the will to translate the text in her head. Kingsley led her over to a table and left Donald to order their drinks. After a few minutes, Donald sat down beside them and set their drinks down, handing a cup to Sora.

Sora blew on it before take a small sip. 'It's chamomile tea, a tea that helps with calming someone down both physically and mentally,'

"I also got us something to snack on," Donald motioned to a tower that a waiter brought over to their table.

The tower consisted of finger foods typically meant for afternoon tea. The bottom tier consisted of some tiny sandwiches. The middle tier contained scones with jam and cream. The top tier contained bite-sized brownies, cupcakes, and tarts.

None of the three spoke a word. They quietly ate their food and drank their drinks. The only sounds besides their chewing and sipping was the music played throughout the cafe. Despite the lack of conversation, Sora found the atmosphere calming and comforting.

"Do you want us to drive you back?" Kingsley offered.

Sora nodded. "Please take me home," It was almost a pleading tone.

To Donald and Kingsley, they understood that as Sora wanting them to drive her to Riz's house. But deep down, Sora wanted someone to take her back to her true home. She desperately wanted to return to the Real World. Even though she would never be able to see, hear, or hug her parents again, she would at least be able to do so with her remaining family.

But Sora also knew that it was an impossible request for Donald and Kingsley to fulfill. The two were mere humans, just like her. They didn't have godly powers to warp between dimensions. They wouldn't be able to bring her back to the Real World.

Sora hadn't told Donald her address. Instead, Donald had texted Riz who had given him the address. Donald drove to Riz's house and the two watched as Sora safely entered the house. They waited a few more minutes after Sora had closed the door until they eventually drove off.

"She had a nightmare," Kingsley said. 

"Her eyes remind me of mine when I was younger," Donald commented. "They remind me of when I first lost my mother, when I lost everything,"

"Do you think she lost someone close to her too?" Kingsley questioned.

"Possibly," Donald said. "People die everyday. Many people have lost their parents and loved ones. She's only seventeen, a minor. She's living with Riz and his family instead of her own family,"

"Riz also mentioned that she didn't have any place to go," Kingsley recalled. "If she hadn't met Riz, she most likely would've been living on the streets. She would've been struggling to survive,"

"She would've been struggling more than I did," The thought angered Donald and he clenched the steering wheel tightly. "At least I could read, write, speak, and understand Korean. She couldn't do either of those things. And a girl living in the streets would easily be taken advantage of,"

"Calm down before you make us crash," Kingsley advised.

Donald took a deep breath and his grip loosened. "We can't force her to open up to us. It seems like she hadn't even really opened up about her past to Riz. She's known us for a less amount of time than she knew him,"

"The only thing we can do is reassure her that we're her friends and that we're here for her if she needs us," Kingsley said.

"You know," Donald said once they arrived at their apartment complex. "It's strange how we're both head over heels over her despite barely knowing her,"

"Love is strange," Kingsley commented as they took the elevator. 

"We should get to know her and spend more time with her," Donald suggested.

"What about the Union?" Kingsley reminded. "We're pretty busy since we're integrating more businesses,"

"The Union's already quite successful," Donald shrugged. "We can shift a few things in the schedule to make time for Sora. It wouldn't cause too big of an impact as long as everything still gets done on time,"

Kingsley was surprised. "You wouldn't even make time in your schedule to visit your mother on the anniversary of her death,"

"My mother's already dead, Kingsley," Donald told him. "It doesn't matter when I visit her. She'll still be a bunch of ashes in an urn whether I visit her today, tomorrow, or next year. But Sora? She's alive. She has her own plans, her own goals, her own dreams. Time matters when it comes to Sora,"

Kingsley understood and nodded. He moved things around in their schedule so that they'd have at least spend time with Sora during a lunch break.

Sora is homesick.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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