Isekai'd...Err...Daleun Segye'd?

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'I've been isekai'd...'

Those three (four if you count I've as two) words made up Sora Kirigawa's first thought as she stared up at the boy she had bumped into. 

'Or should I say that I've been daleun segye'd since it's the Korean translation?'

The high school boy she had bumped into was a freshman with black hair styled into a manbun and black eyes. But he wasn't just any other boy with black hair and black eyes; no, she recognized him. The boy she had bumped into was Dean Kwan.

"야," Dean asked. "괜찮아?"

'I can't understand him,' Sora thought. 'Since he's from Weak Hero, which is a manhwa, he's speaking Korean, right? I can only speak Japanese and English. The only way I understood the Korean raws was because I used Google Translate and got rough translations that, combined with the pictures, were clear enough for me to understand what was going on,'

"I-I'm fine," Sora stuttered out in English, thinking that was what Dean had been asking.

Dean didn't know a lot of English, but he understood those words. As he was about to leave since Sora had confirmed that she was alright, Jake draped an arm over him. "Yo Dean, sorry I'm late!" He noticed that Sora was on the ground, staring up at them. "Hi!"

"I don't think she understands Korean," Dean said. "She said that she's fine in English,"

Jake loved anime and manga. That was no secret. Everyone in Daehyeon, and everyone in the Union, knew of his hobby. Jake had also decided to learn Japanese and surprisingly, it had been the class he excelled the most at in school. Apparently he caught onto the Japanese language pretty quickly.

"Hi there, are you alright?" Jake asked in Japanese.

"Yeah," Sora replied, also in Japanese. "I'm okay. I accidentally bumped into your friend,"

"Sorry about that," Jake apologized.

"No, it was my fault!" Sora claimed. "I was the one who bumped into him. Please tell him I'm sorry,"

Jake relayed the message to him. "He said it's fine. You sure you're alright though?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sora asked. "I just accidentally bumped into him,"

"You look like you got hit by a truck,"

Sora's first reaction was to slap him, but when she moved her arm, she winced. 'What? Did I hurt my arm when I fell?' She looked down and gasped when she realized the multiple cuts and bruises along her body. 'What the hell happened!? It really does look like I was hit by a truck!' 

" you want me to bring you to a hospital?" Jake volunteered.

"N-No!" Sora shakily stood up and tried to keep a fake smile on. "I'm fine," 'I don't carry Korean won on me and since I can't communicate in Korean, there's nothing I can do! I'm sure even if I could change my US dollars into won, I would only be able to change the cash I currently have on me which won't be enough for a hospital visit! I doubt my bank account would be accessible since this is a fictional world!'

"You don't look fine," Jake caught Sora as she fell forward. "I'm taking you to the hospital,"

"I can't afford it!" Sora told him. "I'm...I'm fine. Besides, you don't know me and I don't know you. You have no reason to help me,"

"Is a reason needed?" Jake asked, quoting Kudo Shinichi from Detective Conan. "A lot of people have a reason as to why they kill, but no reason is needed for saving someone,"

Without any warning, Jake carried Sora on his back and began to run to the hospital. During the trip, Sora blacked out.


Sora awakened in the hospital. 'Ah, it must've been a dream. There's no way I isekai'd/daleun segye'd into the Weak Hero world!' She leaned into the bed with a satisfied smile. 'Wait, how did I end up in the hospital?' She tried to recall the events of last night.

It was late at night. Sora had been craving a midnight snack and had gone out to buy herself something to eat from a nearby convenience store. On her way home, she had seen the bright headlights of a truck heading her way. Normally, she'd ignore it and continue walking as she was on the sidewalk, not the middle of the road. However, she saw the front tires shift and the truck was headed directly towards her.

Sora quickly began to run in the opposite direction. 'What the fuck is with that crazy driver!? Why is he trying to kill me!?' She spared a moment to glance into the front windshield of the truck to look at the piece of shit that was trying to kill her...only to find the driver's seat completely empty.

That one, quick moment was enough time for the truck to hit her.

The next thing she knew, she had bumped into a person.

"I must've remembered that wrong," Sora mumbled to herself. "There's no way a truck could drive without a person in the driver's seat. And why would anyone want to kill me?"

The door opened and Jake Ji entered with a fruit basket. "Hey, you're awake! I'll go get the doctor!" He placed the fruit basket on the table next to Sora's bed before quickly running out to get the doctor.

Sora stared at where she had just seen Jake standing. She pinched herself, but she was still in the hospital room. She reached for the fruit basket and tapped it, but it was completely solid. As she saw Jake and the doctor arrive, she knew she had to face the impossible truth.

Truck-kun had killed her, but instead of sending her into her favorite anime or manga, she had been transported to the world of the webtoon/manhwa known as Weak Hero.

I used Google Translate so if "Daleun Segye" is the wrong translation of "Another World/Different World" in Korean, I apologize.

I plan for this story to be Donald Na X OC X Kingsley Kwan. I want Sora to end up with both of them.

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