First Day

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The first day of school was fine. Sora managed to arrive on time and had to introduce herself to class. She understood the lesson well, all thanks to Riz's teachings and Donald and Kingsley's tutoring. She got the occasional glances from her classmates, as if they were trying to figure out how they should treat her and where she lied on the social hierarchy.

She was by herself during break times and lunch. Her classmates had opted to leave her be and stay with their own established friend groups. Sora didn't mind and actually enjoyed the solitude.

'It's not like I plan on staying here forever, so it's better to not get attached and to not form friendships,' She told herself, but there was a part of her that felt really lonely. 'When I return home...would anyone here even remember me? Or will they forget about me and everything resets to canon? I hope so. It'll be easier for them to continue on with life if it was as if I never existed than to hopelessly hang up missing posters and wait for me to return,'

Her stomach growled but she didn't head to the cafeteria. She was hungry, but she didn't feel like eating. Instead, she doodled in her notebook. She drew rough sketches of the Weak Hero characters she had met: Dean Kwan, Jake Ji, Kingsley Kwan, and Donald Na. She also did some sketches of Ben Park, Gray Yeon, Stephen Ahn, and a broccoli with the Naver symbol. Yeah...that was how she decided to draw Gerard.

'Am I considered a real person if I'm currently in a fictional world?' Sora began to question her existence. 'Am I now considered a fictional character? Is this how people like Deadpool feel? Actually, Deadpool takes his whole fictional reality thing with stride and doesn't really seem bothered by it,'

'How can I get back home?' She sighed in frustration. 'I want to go home, but I have no idea how. Am I stuck here forever? I hope not. If I had a choice to stay here or go back, I'd go back home. I'm not meant to be in this world,'

She tried to ignore her despair by burying herself in her classwork.


Once school ended, Sora noticed that a bunch of students were crowding around the windows. 'These types of scenes feel very familiar like they're straight out of and anime or manga. I bet there's some hot male lead-type of character at the front gate. I better go out through the back gate to avoid the crowd and to avoid being trampled by thirsty fangirls,'

She was a bit curious as to who had caught the eyes of most of Songmin High School's student population. She found and empty spot by the window and her eyes immediately recognized the two Yeo-Il students.

'Nope! Nope! I am definitely leaving through the back gates!' Sora quickly finished packing her belongings. 'Why the fuck are Donald Na and Kingsley Kwan here!? They have no reason to be here! Time to sneak away without them seeing and recognizing me!' Of course she knew that since the two had a crush on her, they were here specifically for her.


Donald and Kingsley stood at the front gates of Songmin High School, not caring at all about the girls fawning over them. When the girls tried to "accidentally" bump into them, the two boys were quick to side step and avoid them. When they tried to talk to them, the two delinquents ignored them. When they tried to reach out and touch them, a glare sent them running away.

"School's been out for a while now," Donald noted that fifteen minutes had passed. "Where is she?"

"I don't think her class is on cleaning duty today," Kingsley said. "Maybe she went through the back gates to avoid the crowd?"

Since Sora wasn't there, Donald and Kingsley left. The Songmin students were upset and jealous at whichever girl the two had been waiting for.

Donald and Kingsley located Sora who was heading home. "Hey," Donald greeted.

'How did they catch up to me!?' Sora put on her polite smile. "Hi Donald, hi Kingsley,"

"How was your first day of school?" Kingsley asked.

"Uneventful," Sora answered.

"Did anyone cause you any trouble?" Donald questioned.

"No," Sora shook her head. "They just left me alone,"

"They're purposefully excluding you?" Donald frowned.

"Not in a spiteful way," Sora told them. "More in a neutral way. They have their own friend groups already established,"

"You should try reaching out and befriending," Kingsley suggested.

"No, I'm fine with being alone," Sora refused. "I don't need friends," 'I'm going to eventually go home anyway,' "I'd just be at home, school, or work,"

"There's more to life outside of school and work," Kingsley said.

"If you don't want to make friends, we can't force you," Donald added. "Besides, you still have us,"

Sora's gonna get dragged into hanging out with the two.

|Weak Hero| Sky Blue Eyes [Donald Na X OC X Kingsley Kwan]Where stories live. Discover now