Fair Day!

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*Phoebe's POV**
We have been at our house for a month now. Every time Perrie and the girls, the guys and Eleanor, and Sophia have free time they are over at our house. Last night Liam came over and said that since the girls were leaving for tour at the end of the week and they were leaving for tour the week after, we were going to the fair today, and we were going to be there from open to close. So I woke up 7 am and showered and dressed then I went to wake up the kids, after they were up and getting ready I got Landon and Brooklyn ready. I went downstairs and saw Ryan, Sophia, who had stayed over last night, and the other kids ready to go watching TV. There was a knock on the door as I was preparing a few bottles for Brooklyn, I went to answer the door and let the guys and Eleanor in.
"Perrie said her and the girls were just finishing their early morning rehearsals and then they will be over."
"Okay." I said. " I am getting Brooklyn's diaper bag ready. Everyone else is in the living room."
"Did you pack extra clothes for all the kids?" Zayn asked me.
"Why would I need to do that?" I asked him.
"Because at about 5-6, Debbie is coming up to the fair and picking up all the kids. Then they are going to stay the night over there." Zayn said.
"Stay the night? Why would they do that?"
"Because Debbie wants to bond with them more and it gives you time to hang with some awesome friends." Louis said.
"What awesome friends?" I asked him and then I started laughing at all of their faces. "But seriously what if they don't want to? They have never gone through the night without me."
"They never went to sleep-overs back in the states?" Niall asked.
"You would be surprised how cruel kids are these days." I told him.
"Why don't we ask the kids if they want to stay the night?" Louis asked. We all walked into the living room. "Hey mates."
"Hi." They all replied without looking away from the TV.
"We have a question for you." Liam said. Ryan turned the TV off to listen to Liam. "Okay; Viola, Andrew, Claire, Rosalyn, and Landon; tonight after the fair would you like to stay the night with your Aunt Debbie?"
"Are Brooklyn, Bee, and Ryan going too?" Claire asked.
"Brooklyn is, but not Phoebe or Ryan." Liam said.
"Does Aunt Debbie not want them to?" Rosalyn asked.
"No. That is not it. She just thinks that they may want to do grown up stuff and she has some plans to do some things with you all." Liam told her.
"Things like what?" Claire asked.
"You are going to have to go to find out." Zayn said.
"I guess we can stay the night over there, then." Claire said. "But you better keep my Bee safe, or I will hurt you."
"We promise, we will keep her safe. Okay?" Zayn told her. Then the door bell rang.
"I am going to get their bags ready. Can someone let the girls in?" I called out as I ran up the stairs. About 10 minutes later I came back downstairs with 2 bags for the older kids and the extra diaper bag we have. "Alright I am ready to go now." I said as I set the bags down by the car seat, that was now empty. I walked to the living room to see Liam holding Brooklyn, playing and talking with her, and everyone else watching the TV. "I guess we are going to just have a lazy day since everyone just wants to watch TV." After I said that everyone jumped up. We broke up into the groups: Zayn, Perrie, Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy; Ryan, Niall, Viola, Rosalyn, and Sophia; Louis, Eleanor, Harry, and Andrew; Liam, Brooklyn, Landon, Claire, and me.

The whole day until 5, when Debbie came to pick the kids up, everything was centered around the kids. Then everyone broke off into groups of two: Perrie and Zayn, Louis and Eleanor, Niall and Harry, Sophia and Ryan, Liam and I, and then Jesy, Jade, and Leigh-Anne grouped up.
"So what do you want to do?" Liam asked me.
"Well I am not a big fan a roller coasters. So why don't we just walk around until we see something that catches our eyes?"
We walked around for about 30-45 minutes when I saw the most adorable stuffed tiger. "I want to play this game." I told Liam, it was the where you toss the ball at the milk bottles to knock them down. I threw the first ball and it completely missed, Liam started laughing, I threw the second ball and it only got a little bit closer. I went to reach for the third and last ball but it was missing and then I heard the bottles fall. "We have a winner. Pick out any prize you want." The Game owner said.
"Pick one out Phoebe." Liam told me. I picked out the tiger.
"Thank you." I told Liam.
"Your welcome." He said before adding, "If I had let you throw the last one, then you would not have won though." I hit him with the tiger. Then we walked by the Farris Wheel and decided to ride on it. Once we were on the Farris Wheel, Liam asked me what I was going to name the tiger because it just had to have a name.
"Well, I thought since you won it for me, I would name it Li-Li. That's not creepy is it?" I said looking down.
Liam reached over and squeezed my hand. "No it is not weird. I like it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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