Meetings the Lads

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**Phoebe's P.O.V.**
         They were so much cuter in person. That was the first thought that ran through my head. Landon hid himself behind me while Claire and Rosalyn were staring at the guys.
        "I can't believe we get to meet Perrie Edwards and One Direction in one week." Claire 'whispered' to Rosalyn. I need to teach her to whisper better.
        Liam brings the baby swing in front of me and set it up.
        "There you go." He said. "You can put her in there now."
        "Thank you." I said really quietly. As soon as I laid her in the swing, she began to fuss. I went to pick her up, but Liam stopped me.
        "Here," He turned on the swing. "Does she have a pacifier?" He asked me. I handed him the pacifier that was in my hand, he placed it in her mouth. "See? She is fine. She looks like she is actually enjoying it." He said while looking at her. "And she is absolutely beautiful."
        "They are all gorgeous. I am so jealous." Perrie said. I just looked shaking my head.
        "Do not shake your head no." Louis said and I felt my face heat up. "You are gorgeous. Trust me. I should know," He throws his head to the looks side and looks off into the distance. "Because I am the most gorgeous person alive." Perrie scoffs while the others just shake their heads and laugh.
        "So I don't mean to sound mean bout this but how do you know they are your family?" Zayn asked her.
        "Why don't we all sit down." They all sit on the couch opposite of us, except Liam, who is still sitting next to the baby swing.
        "Do you remember that I had to go to Texas because I had a family member who had passed away?" They nod their heads. "Well that was my moms brother. These are his kids." She finished.
        "Are they going to be living with you now?" Zayn asked her.
        "No. They bought a house already, they are just waiting for their things to arrive from the states."
        "Speaking of, I need to talk to your mom Perrie." Ryan said.
        "Why don't you call her aunt?" Niall asked.
        "Because we left the UK when Phoebe was Brooklyn's age. We had no contact with any of our dads family after that." Ryan said. "It feels a little weird thinking of her as our aunt when we just found out she was our aunt 5 days ago."
        "Well I guess that makes sense." Niall said.
        "I think she is in the backyard, Ryan. Let's go see." Ryan and Perrie left and all the guys turned to us.
        "I'm sorry about your dad." Zayn said. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to your mom?"
        I knew I had tears running down my face. Liam saw and he turned around and was kneeling in front of me. He didn't say anything. Just hugged me. Landon started to push him away from me and then he wrapped his little arms around my neck. Then I felt little fingers trying to wipe the tears from my face, through my blurry eyes I saw it was Rosalyn and she had tears in her eyes.
        "Please don't cry Bee." She said. "I don't like when you cry, it makes me sad."
        Just then Ryan and Perrie came back into the room, when they saw me crying, they both immediately asked what happened.
        "All Zayn did was ask what happened to your mom." Harry said.
        "Idiots." Perrie said. "Their mom was in the car with their dad."
        "Oh. I didn't know." Zayn said looking down.
        "Hey." Ryan said coming over and kneeling in front of me, he took my hands. "It's OK. It's going to be OK. Come on, Deborah said she will watch the kids while go shop for furniture. OK think about getting the house ready to move into."
        "I want to stay with Bee." Rosalyn said. While Landon tightened his arms even tighter around my neck.
        "I can't leave the kids here. They need me to stay with them." I told him.
        "The kids will be fine with Deborah watching them." He said.
        "But Brooklyn doesn't know any of them and she doesn't like strangers. Landon's never been away from me before, except when I picked them  up from the airport." I said.
        "Look at Brooklyn right now." I looked at her and saw her staring at Liam. "She has been staring at him the whole time and has not cried when he touched her." Ryan told me, then he looked at Liam. "Do you mind keeping an eye on her while we're gone?"
        "Sure. I don't mind." Liam said while smiling down a Brooklyn.
        "Viola and Andrew will be good and mind the aunt. Claire and Rosalyn will be OK. And I guess Landon can go with us." Ryan told me.
        "Rosalyn grabbed my arm and started yelling that she wanted to stay with me.
        "Hey. Rosalyn?" Perrie kneeled in front of her. "Do you want to meet the rest of my group?" She shook her head no. "But, they really want to meet you. You don't want to hurt their feelings by not wanting to meet them do you? They will think you do not like them."
        Rosalyn thought for a moment. "I don't want them to think I don't like them. I do like them." She said hurriedly. "Do they really want to meet me?"
        "Yes they do. They will be over soon and if you are not here they will be heartbroken."
        "OK I guess I will stay here." Rosalyn said. "But Bee you have to hurry OK? And promise you will come back." She said holding out her pinkie.
        "I will always come back to you baby sweetie." I told her while I wrapped my pinkie around hers.
        "OK, well why don't we go ahead and leave so we can hurry back."
        "Alright, Liam why don't you follow me and I will show you where everything is." As soon as we were out of Brooklyn's sight she began to cry. Liam went back over to the sing and picked her up. She immediately stopped. We walked into mine and the babies room. "The diapers are in her diaper bag, which is right here, her bottles and formula are on the table over there, 2 oz of water for every scoop." I told him. "You know what never mind I will just take her with us, it'll be easier."
        "Phoebe, she will be fine. I've watched a baby before. I know how to change, hold, and feed them. She will be perfectly fine with me watching her, I promise." Liam told me. "Grab what you need for this little guy and go and do everything you need."
        "OK, thank you." I grabbed his diaper bag and car seat. "Can I have your phone number?" I asked him. "So I can check up on Brooklyn and the others." I quickly added.
        "Of course." I handed him my phone and he placed his number it. "Hope you find everything you need." After he handed me back my phone he picked up the car seat and walked out of the room. When we reached the bottom of the stairs Liam handed Ryan the car seat, I told the kids I would see them later, and then Ryan, Landon and I went to pick the furniture.
        After 2 hours of shopping and 30 messages to Liam we finally made it back. I grabbed Landon out of the backseat and ran into the house but nobody was in there.
        To: Liam
        Where are y'all at?

        From: Liam
        We are in the backyard.

        I walked into the backyard and saw Perrie, the other Little Mix girls, Claire, Rosalyn, Deborah, and Liam sitting at the table, with Brooklyn in the swing next to him, while Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Mark, Andrew, and Viola were building something that looked like a play set off to the side. I walked over to the table and set Landon down, he ran over to the other guys with Ryan.
        "What are they doing?" When I walked over to the swing and pulled a smiling Brooklyn out. "Where they good?"
        "They are building a new swing set that we bought today for the kids." Deborah told me. "And they were angels."
        "I told you that every time you asked me." Liam said while smiling. "Why don't you sit down, relax, and meet the other girls in Perrie's group?" He stood up and offered me his seat. Before I could protest he grabbed my arm and guided me toward the chair. "I am going to help the lads put the swing set together."
        "H-hello." I said.
        "Hello I'm Jade, this is Leigh-Anne, and this is Jesy. So you're Perrie's cousin?"
        "Looks like it.'' I said.
        "And we do not want to upset you or anything but we are sorry about your parents." Jesy told me.
        I kept the tears back, took a deep breath, and nodded my head, "Thank you."

        After about half an hour of talking with the girls, they finally finished the swing set and were complaining about how hungry they were.
        "How about we go out to eat?" Niall asked.
        "Or how about we order some pizza and the kids can play on their new swing set?" Liam suggested.
        "Or that as long as I get to eat something, soon." We all just shook our heads and laughed at him.

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