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**Ryan's POV**
I woke up this morning to the phone ringing.
"Hello?" I said.
"Is this Mr. Ryan Thompson?" The man on the other end of the line asked.
"Yes, it is. Who is this?" I asked.
"My name is Brett Wade, with the Mitchell County police Department. I regret to inform you that your mother and father were in a car accident last night and they did not make." He told.
They're gone? I felt like I couldn't breath. What about the kids?
"Sir? Are you still there?" Officer Wade asked.
"Where any of the kids injured?" I asked him.
"No, they were home with your sister Phoebe. Your parents were on their way home from a date night."
"OK, good I will be there on the next plane out." I told him.
"See you soon sir." He said. I hung up and quickly got dressed. ten minutes later I was out the door and headed to the airport.

**Phoebe's POV** -13 hours later-
Ryan should be here any minute, we were at the police station waiting. We were quietly sitting on the benches, staring at the door. As soon as I saw him walk through the door, we all ran over to him, we were stayed in the doorway until Officer Wade came over to us.
"Would you like to come into my office and get out of the doorway?" We broke apart and everyone but me walked to his office. I walked back over to the benches and Brooklyn, who was asleep in her car seat, and her diaper bag and then went into his office.
"How are y'all doing?" Ryan asked as I walked through the door.
"We are good, Ryan. But we missed you, and mommy and daddy went to be angels yesterday." Rosalyn said.
"I missed you too. I know baby girl, but we will get to see them again someday. OK?" Ryan told her.
"Can we go visit them later?" Landon asked him.
"I'm sorry buddy, we can't visit them. They are not in that kind of place."
"Ryan? Where are we going to live now?" Andrew asked.
"Actually that is what I would like to discuss." Officer Wade said. "Ryan, you are listed as their legal guardian. Would you be taking them in?" He asked Ryan.
"Of course I would. I wouldn't want them anywhere else."
"OK, good. Now your parents had funeral arrangement plans already and their insurance should cover it, I just need you to fill out the paper work. Do you have any contacts with your mom and dads family?" Officer Wade asked us as he handed Ryan a manila envelope.
"We only ever met our moms family. We don't know our dads family." Ryan said.
"Really? They live in England. I figured you knew that."
"No, my dad never talked about them."
"Well I can get a hold of his Sister Deborah for you, and she can let the rest of her family know." He told us.
"That would be a huge help. Thank you." Ryan told him. "Do you know when we will be able to have the funeral?"
"The bodies are still at the hospital, but you should be able to have one within the week." Wade said.
"Sounds good. We are going to go pack and fill out this paper work. Once I have it done I will get it back to you." Ryan told him and then stood up. We all followed him out the door. I walked over to our van. I buckled in Brooklyn and then Landon. While Andrew, Claire, and Rosalyn climbed into the very back seat.
"Phoebe? Is it alright if I ride with Ryan?" Viola asked me.
"Of course." I told her while trying to smile.
"Thank you, I will see you at the house." She said as she hugged me and then ran over to Ryan's rented car. I got in the drivers seat and drove to our house. I got the kids inside and had Brooklyn fed and changed before they got here.
"We got boxes to put your things in. We will still be her for at least a week so don't pack everything. I will get more boxes before we actually leave. Each of you take two for now and get started. I will keep an eye on Brooklyn while I fill out the insurance papers, and then we can go out for dinner." Ryan said sitting down and opened the folder. I grabbed four boxes and headed up stairs to my room. I had everything but a weeks worth of clothes and the furniture. Then I went to Brooklyn's room and packed all her things as well. I walked downstairs and grabbed another box then began to pack all the pots and pans into the box. Just as I put the last pan in the box, Brooklyn began to get fussy and the other kids were coming downstairs.
"OK. that's enough for today how about we go eat now." Ryan said while placing all the papers in the folder.
"I'm going to change Brooklyn and then we can leave." I said and then walked up to her room.I changed her diaper and clothes, grabbed the diaper bag, and headed to my room for my purse and keys, then downstairs.
"Viola and Andrew are going to ride with me. We have to stop by the police station and drop this off." He told me while holding up the folder.
"OK we will see you at Dandy's." I said while taking the other kids to my car.

After we were all seated and had ordered Ryan turned started talking to us.
"My place in London is not big enough for all of us, so we will have to look for a new house. I have a friend who will go look at any house we find online." Ryan said. "Then the moving people will ship all of our things there. We can start looking for a house when we get back to the house."
"OK." Was all I said.
"Officer Wade said he got a hold of dads sister, Deborah, and her and her family will be here in 4 days." Ryan told us, as we were getting ready to leave. "That should be enough time for us to have the house packed and put up for sale."

Once we were home, I sat on the couch with Brooklyn and fed her, while Ryan got the laptop, and the other kids showered and changed.
"OK let's look at some house." Ryan said as he sat next to me. After an hour of me saying they all look good, "Alright. How about I give Josh these three (1) (2) (3)? Have him take pictures and send them to us, to look at. For now lets go to bed"

Four days later, the house was completely packed, excluding the necessities, and Brooklyn and I are going to the airport, in Dallas, to pick up my 'aunt', and her family. I stood in the area where they were going to exit the plane, holding a sign the said Deborah & Mark Duffy and Brooklyn. People began to exit the plane and then four people began to walk towards me.
"Hi I'm Deborah and this my husband Mark. You must be Phoebe?" The older women asked me.
"Yes Ma'am" I said. "And this is Brooklyn. If you have your things, you can follow me."
After we were in the car, she introduced me to the other two. "This is my son, Jonnie, and our daughter, Perrie."
"Perrie? As in the same name as the girl in Little Mix?" She took off her beanie and sunglasses.
"As in the same girl as the one in Little Mix." She said.
"My cousin is Perrie Edwards and my dad never told me?" I said to myself.
"Our parents kind of disowned him after he married your mum. They didn't think she was good enough for him, but he loved her anyways. After they had you they moved to the states and haven't been in contact with any of his family. Little did my parents know, your moms family wasn't exactly hurting for money." Deborah told me. My moms family owned quite a bit of land in Texas and a couple resorts. "I wish your father had stayed in contact with me though. I missed knowing you all as you were growing up."
"Well maybe we can get to know each other when we move to London." I told her.
"I would love that Phoebe." Deborah said.
"You can meet my fiancé and his band. And after you are out of school we can all hang out together." Perrie said.
"Oh I've already graduated."
"Even better, we can hang out while the kids are in school." She said.
"I would love to but there are still 2 kids that aren't in school and I have to watch them.
"I would not mind watching them for you every now and then." Deborah said, smiling down at Brooklyn, who was asleep.
"I couldn't ask you to do that." I protested.
"It would give me a chance to get to know them better." She said. "Even the other kids, and it will give you a chance to meet people and make some friends." By this time we were at our house.
"We'll see." I said. " We are here. Are you ready to meet the rest of the family?"

After we entered the house, I heard voices in the backyard. We walked out the back door and all of them, but Andrew and Claire were playing on the play set, even Ryan.
"Hey guys come meet some of dads family." I yelled to everyone. Then they all came running over to us.
"Everyone this is dads sister, Deborah, her husband Mark, and our cousins Jonnie and Perrie." I said. "Guys this is my brothers Ryan, Andrew, and Landon; and my sisters Viola, Claire, and Rosalyn."
"Oh my gosh! Your Perrie Edwards!" Claire said.
"Yes I am." Perrie said.
"Are you really our cousin?" Rosalyn asked.
"I really am." She told her, smiling.
"It is nice to meet all of you, of course not under the circumstances." Deborah said.
"It is nice meeting y'all too." Ryan said. "I hope y'all like pizza, I ordered it for dinner. But if you don't I can go get something else."
"Pizza is just fine Ryan." Jonnie said.

We were sitting on the back porch after we ate while the kids played for a while longer.
"So when are you guys moving to London?" Deborah asked.
"On Sunday." Ryan said.
"Do you have a place to live? Or are you still looking for a place?" Mark asked. "Cause if you don't have a place yet, I have a friend who is a realtor."
"We found a house. It's about 3-4 miles from the St. Joseph's Hospital I work at and about 1 mile away from the kids school." Ryan said.
"Well if any of you need to stay at our house for a couple of days." Deborah said.
"Actually that would be a huge help. Just until the furniture arrives there. I still have to pack and sell my duplex."
"Then it's settled you and the kids will stay at our house until your things are at your new house." deborah said. "And that means you can meet the lads. They will there the on Monday."
Great. I am going to make a fool of myself.

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