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I wasn't sure where we were. Like I said before, in some forest or something? I didn't really care, I had Colette alone. Speaking of, she glanced at me with attitude.

"I know we're only here so you can talk to me. Convince me to come home maybe. Is there even anyone here with powers?" Colette stayed ahead of me and walked swiftly through the forest. I wasn't having as much luck. I was jogging a little to keep up with her and the trees felt as though they were coming out of no where.

"I don't want us to go home...yet. I like it back at that place. We might actually get to fight in a war," I nudged my sisters side playfully as I caught up to her. She gave me a glare but I could see she was hiding a smile.

"Is there even anyone here with powers?" She repeated.

"Um no. But we are here for someone. I've just got to visit him to see how he's doing," I didn't want to dwell on the subject, that's not why I was here, "you didn't have to run away Colette."

"Yes I did. These people know stuff Adi. They can help me, and if they can't, well at least their walls are magic proof. I just have to tell them the truth," Colette was serious, like always.

"You can't!" I coughed to cover up my outburst, "I mean, what if they believe you? And they try to kill you?"

"What do you mean what if? They'll believe me because it's true, and they won't hurt me, they aren't like that."

"You don't know what they'll do when they feel threatened."

"Are we almost there?" Colette changed the subject. I think we were almost there, which sucked because I didn't want to answer her question and move topics.

I sighed heavily, "yeah I think so."

"Who are we visiting?"

"A friend," I said as his house came into veiw.


It felt like we were there for a second and before I knew it Avery had transported us back. There we were again, in the meeting room. Everyone was back but I didn't stay to see any new faces, because I stormed out. What can I say, I'm a drama queen like that. I wanted Colette to see how angry I was with her decision to tell everyone the truth. In all fairness I knew what she was thinking. Of course she was upset that it upset me, but she was going to do what was right regardless of how I felt. I heaved in a big breath as I stormed into my room. No one was around so I didn't really know why I was still acting angry. I did regret my decision to leave straight away to be honest, I would have liked to see any new power users.
Just as I sat on the end of my bed there was a knock at my door. Before I could even process the words 'come in' the door slowly opened. I badly wanted to say 'have you ever heard of knocking' but one, I wasn't that rude, and two, they did knock.
Colette poked her head around the door.

"Hey. I just wanted to tell you that I'm about to tell Elizabeth the truth," she said, still standing in the door way.

"Okay," I rolled my eyes, I really wished she wasn't doing this.

"I'm telling her we're sisters and I'm telling her why I'm here, and why your here."

"Okay. But just so you know, I came here looking for you, but I'm staying for them."
Colette nodded and closed the door. As soon as she had appeared she had gone.

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