Step two in how to screw up your afterlife

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TW warning: slight cursing confusingness
Clay POV

Today has been a weird day. Not your typical weird where a few people are acting strange, but the weird where you meet a family of ghosts and feel like you've known them for forever. I looked down at my phone and saw that Darryl had texted on the group chat.

Me and George are pulling up
right behind Nick

I'm already here
Claimed the room at the end of the hall

What if I wanted itttttttttt

Sucks to be u

At least I'm not u

Just get back to driving
Why u texting while driving anyways

And with that I put my phone down, knowing I had won, but that they would all be here soon. I headed down stairs, and sat on the couch, waiting for my friends to arrive.

"Clay! Get your ass over here and help me with these bags!" Nick shouted from the doorway.

"Language!" Darryl screeched.

"Get George to do it!" I yelled back

"He's asleep dipsh*t!"


"Could you please stop with all the yelling? Is it really necessary? I already have to deal with Tommy." A voice said, coming from behind me.

"Look, if we're gonna make you guys staying here work, you can't just do that." I replied, turning around to lock eyes with Wilbur's brown ones.

"Do what?" He smiled, innocently.

"Appear from nowhere, or the vanishing thing. You scared the hell out of me." I rolled my eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, before slowly fading into air in front of my very eyes, leaving nothing but his smile to go last. He was going full on Cheshire Cat, well without the insanity.

"Who you talking to." Nick questioned.

"Hmm? I wasn't talking to anyone? You must be imagining things." I lied, smoothly.

"That would make since. I always knew he was crazy." George said. Looks like someone woke up.

"Looks like sleeping beauty's finally awake."  I said sarcastically

"That depends, you gonna be my Prince Charming?" He replied sweetly.

"I prefer night in shining armor." I replied, throwing in a wink for good measure. Our banter went on like this for a while, I was glad to finally all be together at last.

Wilbur POV
I stood in the kitchen, leaning on the wall, watching as Clay and George flirted, with the occasional comment from Nick and Darryl. I guess reincarnation can't change that.

"Big D still has it. Should've known him and George would still flirt." Tommy laughed, coming up from behind me.

"They aren't the same people, Tommy." I snapped. He should know this as well as everyone else.

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