Today I didnt screw up my afterlife...completly

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Wilbur POV
(Time skip from last chapter, 3 weeks)

I woke up today, a framiliar weight on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw a blonde sleeping peacefully on top of me. The clock read 8:30, so I figured I would get up so I could eat before the living did. I carefully rolled out of bed, and floated down the stairs, and started eating my banana. Today we all planned to go out to anthem park, us all hanging out as ghosts, and Clay and his friends normally.

"Hey mate, you ready to go?" Phil asked walking in the room. "The others are outside waiting, ready when you are."

"Why were you guys up so earlyyyyyyy? Sleep is good." I groaned, as we walked out.

"You know how techno is, he almost never sleeps." He responded, looking slightly worried.

"Fair point." I said as we caught up to the others.

"Looks like Wilby's finally woken up." The gremlins said, with his ever so cocky smile upon his face until he realized what he had actually said.

"Did you just call me Wilby?" I gasped.

"No—no I didn't—I didn't call you—f*cken—no—" Tommy tried to say.

"Aw it's okay Tommy, I'll be your Wilby." I laughed, as we finally got there. We didn't live far so it was short walk. (Also it's easier)

We went on a few rides when we got there, snagging empty seats here or there, and just floating to the front of the lines, One of the few perks of being a ghost. Techno never buckled in because Technoblade never dies but he is a ghost soooo........ anyways when Tommy tried to do the same thing he about fell of the ride. Another one of the perks, we can't die again so he was fine, phil did scold him later. I had bought him, Tubbo, and Ranboo some cotton candy afterwards, and we all talked and laughed and just had fun all day. Just like old times.

When our day there was almost done, we just had one ride left, the biggest, fastest, most dangerous, best ride, with the longest line. It just so happened to be the same ride Clay, Nick, George and Darryl have been waiting at for over an hour now. We started walking right up to the front, which would pass them, and I could see Clay sending me death glares because we didn't wait.

'Not fair.' He mouthed to me when no one else was looking.

"All's fair in love and war." I said, in his ear as I passed him.

Later that night

"Today was so fun!" Bad—Daryl exclaimed.

"Yeah except for the part where George stole all the Cotten candy." Nick responded, crossing his arms.

"And it was delicious." George giggled, sticking out his tongue.

"You didn't even buy it, Nick, I should be the one complaining. Anyways I bought it for you all to share." Clay scolded, playfully.

"Okay dad." Nick groaned, holding out the a longer than necessary. They all laughed for a while, then just sat in conformable silence. Except it got boring for me, so I decided to stop just watching.

"You're boring me now, go do something with them." I whined, next to Clay. Apparently he didn't see me there cause he jumped just slightly enough that no one noticed. He gave me a quick glare than spoke up.

"We should go do something now, before the nights over. I'm bored." Clay said.

"Yeah! But what should we do?" Daryl responded.

"Ice cream?" George perked up.

"H*ll yeah!" Nick shouted.

"Launguage!" Daryl all about screeched.

"I'm down for ice cream," Clay said. "C'mon, I'll drive."

They all went outside, and got in the car, while I just layer on top. Watching what the living do is interesting, but I like it more now that I can mess with them, we'll mess with one of them at least. They went inside ordered there ice cream and I snagged mine, Nick, George, and Daryl went outside, while Clay payed, against the rebuttals of Daryl.

"Wow, now this is totally more entertaining." I said, sarcasm dripping off my words, as I appeared next to Clay. He seemed to have gotten used to it by now because he didn't even flinch.

"I'm sorry that I'm not quite as interesting as you would like." I heard him say under his breath, just barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh no, I find you quite intriguing, if I do say so myself." I laughed, as his cheeks flushed a slight pink. He said his thanks to the worker, and left, glaring at me slightly after my comment. This was the routine we had gotten used to in the past few weeks. We would wake up, go do something, him with his friends, me with my family. We would come back and chill, While I would annoy him for fun, and then we lay in bed and talk. Then we wake up and do it all over again, except tonight was different. By the time we got home, they all went up stairs, but Phil was waiting downstairs.

"Hey Wil, could I talk to ya for a minute, mate?" He asked.

"Uh yeah sure, one second though." I responded.

"What's Phil got to talk to you about?" Clay questioned, confused.

"I don't even know at this point, but from the looks of it not something great. He has on his 'serious dad talking time' face, so who even knows at this point?" I said.

"Well good luck with that." he said, going upstairs. I walked over to the living room and sat down on the crunch next to Phil.

"So, uh, what do we need to talk about, exactly?" I asked.

"Well, so you remember when you overheard me and Techno talking then you went out on your ridiculously long 'walk'?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Remember how we got into a fight when you got home and I asked you to be honest with me? Well you made me relize I haven't been honest with you, so I'm finally ready to tell you everything. No more secrets, no more lies between us. Are you ready to know the truth?"

"...I think so." I said

Word count: 1052
So hello, sorry it took me so long. I just started school again, and motivation sucks, but here I am. Sorry it sucks, I tried. If you did however like it, please vote or comment! See y'all later!

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